Dax looks mortified and mildly angry as he turns back around and grabs Rori by the wrist. Storming out of the room, Dax shouts over his shoulder, “We’re going to need some boundaries, King. Fuck your girl in your own space so I don’t think she’s getting murdered.”
Rori looks back over her shoulder, smiling at the sight, and as she’s being dragged away, I hear her complain.
“Why have you never fucked me in the office?”
“Rori, shut the fucking door,” Dax shouts, halfway down the hall, when Rori stumbles back and pretends to cover her eyes.
“Sorry,” she squeaks out in a girly voice before slamming the door shut behind her.
The soft knockat the door is enough for me to know it wasn’t King, so I call out a hello and sit up in the bed, my legs all twisted up in the covers.
“Uhh, hi,” Rori’s soft voice calls out as she pokes her head through the gap in the door.
“Hey.” I smile, my cheeks already blushing again at the position she found us in hours ago.
Without another thought, Rori steps in and closes the door, then comes and sits next to me on the bed, her shoulders resting against the gold headboard. She looks over at me, so I lean back down again.
“Look, Rori—” I start before she interrupts me.
“I am not even sorry that we walked in on you.” She starts laughing. “Damn, Theo, that screeeam!” She laughs some more.
I figure she’s laughing at the situation and not at me, and a small chuckle escapes my lips. If I don’t laugh, I’ll cry, right?
“Fuck off, Rori,” I say softly through my laughter, not really sure if we’re at this level of banter.
She continues to chuckle a little more, then grabs the duvet and tucks herself underneath the covers.
“I’ve got to hand it to you. I think you’ll give me and Dax a run for our money.”
I roll my eyes at her.
“You and Dax are in love. That in itself is already givingusa run for our money!”
“Pfft, if you can’t see King’s in love with you, then you’ve got no hope,” she scoffs.
“King is notinlove with me, Rori. I’m just here at the moment,” I reply.
“Oh, don’t give me any of that attention seeking crap, Theo, you’re better than that.” She smiles wickedly and honestly, I feel a little caught out. “King hasn’t had a girl here for as long as I’ve been here. You’re definitely something to him.”
“How long have you been here?” I ask, curious.
She looks up at the ceiling, nodding as if she’s counting, then smiles.
“Seven years, give or take a couple months.”
Wow, seven years is a lot longer than I thought it would be. I count down the years in my head and realise she would have been around seventeen or eighteen.
“King was in prison when Dax brought me here,” she says softly, her eyes clouded over like she’s deep in thought. I stay silent, waiting to see if she continues. “When King was away, Dax was all by himself. Got into some bad shit. Found me.”
She looks at me again with a sad smile.
“But that is a story for another day… Let’s go back to talking about how good a fuck King Rhivers is. Maybe I ended up with the wrong cousin.” She winks and I hit her arm, nudging her slightly. If I didn’t already know how in love with Dax she is, I definitely wouldn’t have let that slide.
She continues to laugh and the rest of the afternoon passes with just me and Rori, chilling in King’s bed, eating snacks and watching trash TV.