Page 48 of Prisoner

“If you were my prisoner, Theodora, do you think I would’ve left the door unlocked? Do you think I would’ve left you to your own devices?”

She scoffs then.

“Oh, come off it, King. If I walked out this door, I’d have you or some beefy bodyguard following me around. There’s no fucking freedom in that. I’m your fucking prisoner and you fucking know it!” she sasses. And unfortunately for her, she picked the wrong day to start a fight with me.

“Fine, if that’s what you want to be, that’s how you can be treated.” I grab her wrist quickly, still poking into my chest, and yank her up roughly, her arm close to being pulled out of the socket.

“King!” she screams, trying to resist my pull. But I’m stronger.

I throw her over my shoulder, gripping her thighs harshly as she pounds my back. We’ve been in this position too many times.

“Fucking put me down!”

I ignore her request and carry her through the mansion, yanking on the handle of the door so forcefully, it almost breaks off its hinges. I make my way down the steep stairs, plunging into the darkness, illuminated just slightly from a small window at the far end of the room.

I walk into the cell, buried deep under the Rhivers mansion, and throw Theo on her ass right in the middle, turning my back on her and slamming the huge cell gate shut, the lock clicking into place automatically.

She jumps up onto her bare feet and runs at the bars, trying to grab at me through them.

“What the fuck, King?!” she shouts, panic lacing her tone as she comes to terms with what’s happening.

“This is what you wanted right, Theodora?” I snarl. “Well, now you are my fucking prisoner.” I spit at the floor in front of her and see the hurt and anger flash through her eyes before I turn my back on her and leave her there.

* * *

“Where’s Theo?”Dax asks, an eyebrow raised at me in questioning.

“In the cell,” Rori says, laughing slightly at Dax’s horrified look.

I’m in my office, catching up on everything I’ve missed recently and checking back payments from the other two Districts. Not long ago, Rori walked in, perched her tiny ass on my armchair and opened up her laptop and started working, ignoring my withering glare in her direction.

She and Dax have been together a few years now and are consumed by each other. He found her broken and he saved her. They are it for each other. Only the little shit likes to be a massive pain in my ass and walks around my house like she’s the one who owns the place. Strutting into my office whilst I’m working to do her own shit on her laptop. I gave her her own office for this purpose. Not that she ever uses it.

“Why the fuck is she in the cell?” he questions, looking shocked and maybe slightly angry? I don’t know. His face is hard to read.

“She wants to be a prisoner, she can be a fucking prisoner,” I justify, shrugging my shoulders.

Rori’s high-pitched laugh bursts out of her lungs, the long, silvery plait falling off her shoulder as her head rolls back off the chair.

“Fuck off, Aurora,” I spit.

She turns to look at me, her eyebrows raised and a challenge in her eyes.

“I mean it… get the fuck out!” I shout, pointing to the door.

She flinches slightly but then maintains her composure, never one to back down from anyone.

“Put away your umbrella, King. I don’t need your shade,” she fires back with an eye roll, tucking her laptop under her arm. She swiftly gives Dax a soft kiss as she passes and opens the door. She stops in the open doorway and looks from me to the door and then back to me before putting her middle finger up and smirking, leaving the door wide-fucking-open in her wake.

Dax huffs out a laugh at her pettiness before closing the door and coming back to the middle of the room, occupying Rori’s now vacant seat.

“King,” he says, trying to retrieve the answers from me.

“I’m not leaving her in there. It’s just for the day. She was being a little bitch.”

Dax lets out a short laugh, then clears his throat.

“Of course she was. She’s been holed up in that prison for five months, then she lost her only friend, and now she’s been dragged here by a nutcase who can’t decide how he feels.”