I lean down so my face is only inches from hers.
“If Igot offon you, Theodora, don’t you think I would’ve come back for you over the past four months?” I sneer, letting my disgust for her show on my face.
I stand and turn away from her, trying to hide the truth in my eyes. That is the exact reason why I couldn’t come back. Because Ididwant her.
“Fuck you!” she shouts, standing up, the chair scraping across the floor as she lunges at me.
Has she learnt nothing?
In one smooth motion, I take out the handcuffs from behind my suit jacket and grip Theo’s wrist as she raises it to hit me, attaching the cuff to her wrist.
“Get off me!” she screams over and over, trying to slither out of my hold.
I drag her back over to the chair and attach the spare handcuff to the back of it.
“I fucking hate you!”
“And I fucking told you not to get off that goddamn chair!” I shout back.
Theo flinches, the anger and volume echoing around the small room. She’s breathing hard and fast, her chest rising and falling heavily, getting slower with each second.
“Uncuff me,” she says calmly.
“No,” I simply reply.
“You can’t treat me like this,” she retorts.
“In case you’re missing something, sweetheart, I can treat you however I damn well please. You’re in my prison. You’re in my possession. You’remyfucking prisoner. There’s no one else here to save you. You. Are. Mine!”
Her jaw drops at my revelation and I realise how it sounded, but whatever way she takes it, it’s the truth. Whether I want her or not, she’s in my prison, so she’s mine.
“I don’t belong to anyone, King,” she murmurs.
“The money in my pocket from your father buying your place here states otherwise.”
Her head jerks up fast, her eyes narrowing at me. The truth is, Kennedy Harlow still hasn’t paid his full amount for Theo’s keep and the bastard will be dead soon if he doesn’t cash in. I’m not running an orphanage where he can just drop off his unwanted child. He will pay me what he owes or he will pay with his life.
“Now, whilst we’re on the topic of your father, I need you to tell me what you were doing for him to get him a hefty sum of money,” I tell her, crossing my arms over my chest. “And you better think twice before lying to me.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Theo asks, looking perplexed.
After Kennedy announced Theo was supposed to be making him money, I’ve looked into Kennedy Harlow as much as I could. He gets a hefty cheque every week from an anonymous sender that I still haven’t found. We’re talking thousands, but all I’ve been able to figure out is that it arrives in his bank every Friday evening at 11:00 p.m. There’s never been a subject until last night when attached to the payment was a message from the sender.
‘No more until you can promise her.’
This has to have something to do with Theo, whether she knows anything or not, so I jumped straight into my car and hauled ass to the prison to interrogate her.
“Theodora, I won’t ask you again.”
“I haven’t been doing shit for my father. I’ve been stuck in here for fuck’s sake.”
“Don’t play smart with me.”
She huffs, rolling her eyes. “I’m not playing smart, King. I’ve been in here for four months and before that I was trapped in my fucking room at home half the time. What do you honestly think I could be doing with my father for money?”
She makes a lot of sense, but I need to be a hundred percent sure.
“Maybe becoming a hitman and murdering Carlo Rhivers?” I accuse.