I turn my head to Dax with speed, Kennedy not far behind, darting his gaze to Dax.
“Excuse me?” Kennedy replies, looking as stunned as I feel.
“Mr Harlow?”
“It’s Kennedy,” he interrupts.
“Kennedy,” Dax continues. “You wanted Miss Theodora Harlow in the District Prison. As a member of your family and strictly your preference for wanting her in there, you need to pay, just like everyone else.” Dax has some balls, but nevertheless, he’s right.
“I believe what I said was ‘she was all yours,’” Kennedy retorts.
“And what exactly did you mean by that, Mr Harlow? Because we are under the impression you wanted her there.”
Kennedy growls at Dax, probably for calling him Mr Harlow after being asked to call him by his first name.
“She’s all yours meant she’s all yours, kid. Do with that what you will, but I’m not spending any of my pocket on her when she was supposed to be making me money in the first place.” Kennedy is raging and as much as I’m enjoying him coming undone, I can’t get past what he’s just said.
“What do you mean she was supposed to be making you money?” My question confuses him as he must’ve realised he’s slipped up on something.
“None of your business, boy. Look, I’m not paying anything for that stupid girl to be anywhere,” he retaliates.
My fists clench by my sides. What was he going to make her do for money? And why do I care?
Very calmly, Dax jumps back in before I can do something stupid.
“Very well. We shall bring her back here where she can remain part of the Rhivers family. She would be great company for Aurora.”
I look at Dax, astounded. Bring her to live here!Is he out of his fucking mind?
“You seem to have a habit of finding lost girls and giving them some sort of life, Dax. Tell me, what is it about them? Their vulnerability, their lack of respect, their pussy?”
Dax’s fists clench by his sides and I have to put a stop to this now. Insulting Theo, his own daughter, is bad enough. But one thing Dax won’t stand for is disrespect for his girl.
“Mr Harlow, this meeting is over. You have until the end of the month to pay for your share of Theodora. Let’s not start a feud now after so many years, hmm?” I cut in, ending the discussion.
Kennedy is fuming, his shoulders rising rapidly as he considers his next move. Lucky for him, he picks the right one and nods, then turns to leave the study. I watch the dust float through the air in his wake.
“Mr Rhivers,” Edison says to both myself and Dax, shaking our hands. “This meeting aside, we’re happy to be working with you and look forward to continuing our partnership. As always, if you need anything, let me know what I can do.”
I thank him and shake Casper’s hand also as they leave. At least we can rely on them if things go south with Kennedy and the Second District.
Me and Dax stand in silence. My mind is moving a mile a minute, trying to make sense of everything that happened.
Before I can utter a word to Dax, the large wooden door opens and I roll my eyes at the interruption.
Can we not catch a break?
But once I see who’s standing at the door, my guard drops, relaxing instantly, Dax’s posture following mine in suit.
“Will you ever learn to mind your own business, Aurora?” I say, smiling at the innocent eyes in front of me.
Her wicked smile grows from ear to ear and she winks. “Never.”
“Rori!” Dax breathes, finally feasting his eyes on his girl after so many days and an inkling of guilt festers inside that I kept him away for so long.
“Hey, baby, miss me?” She cheers, running into Dax’s open arms, her silvery hair, long and half-plaited, blowing behind her in her wake.
Knowing when I’m not needed, I leave them to it, happy Dax has finally got his little birdie back in his arms.