“It’s good to see you up and about, Theo,” Dax’s soft voice says through the quiet, and I look at him and smile gently. He’s always been nice to me. He doesn’t deserve the backlash like his cousin does.
“This is Rori,” he says, squeezing the girl’s leg.
I turn my gaze to her and try to keep that same smile on my face, but the lack of emotion on her part is making me slightly uncomfortable.
“Hi, I’m Theo,” I squeak, quickly clearing my throat and cringing at my lack of communication skills.
“I know,” she says, a raspy yet sweet voice penetrating the air.
Dax rolls his eyes at her lack of response but honestly, I’d rather she didn’t pretend around me. By the looks of things, Rori is Dax’s and Dax is Rori’s. The possessive hand she now has on his arm is clear as day. She knows these men and this house. I am merely an intruder.
“So how long do you intend to stay?” she says again, her tone strong, biting a tube of pasta off her fork. I open my mouth to respond, not even entirely sure of my answer, before King speaks for me.
“Until the prison is safe for her to go back to.”
Everyone’s head jerks to King, all with similar facial expressions of confusion. King looks up and takes his turn to look at us all individually.
“What?” he questions casually, shoving a piece of pasta in his mouth.
“Since when were we sending her back to the prison?” Dax asks, obviously completely out of the loop with King.
“Since I decided about half an hour ago.” King shrugs.
My heart drops and my anger boils as I know exactly what he’s referring to. What, he fucks me and then wants to send me back just like that? I go to say just that before a harsh laugh pierces through the room and my daggers land on Rori.
Everyone turns to look at her as her laugh comes to a halt.
“God, King, you’re such a dick,” she says, laughter still in her voice.
Now I’m startled again. Is she defending me?
“Excuse me?” King replies sternly, clearly not impressed with Rori calling him a dick.
“Don’texcuse me,King,” Rori mocks. “You’re gonna fuck the girl, then just send her back to the prison like some criminal booty call?” She laughs again with a shake of her head.
I’m dumbstruck. How does she know we fucked? Is she defending me or not? I can’t make out what point she’s trying to make. A criminal booty call. I feel offended, but I’m not sure if she meant to offend. Jesus, who is this girl?
“Watch your mouth, Aurora,” King spits at her.
“Why? Because I’m right?” Rori, or Aurora apparently, fires back. “The girl has been locked up in your stupid little prison for months for you to drag her here, get in her knickers, and send her back because you’re scared of your feelings. How petty.”
Scared of his feelings?
“Ror,” Dax warns under his breath and turns Rori’s face in his hand to look at him.
My brain is overloading and before my mouth can catch up, I let out a, “Umm.”
And all three heads now turn back to me.
King looks furious, Dax looks like he’s slipping, keeping himself calm, and Rori seems bored.
“I have no idea if you’re defending me or not,” I say, talking to Rori as she raises an eyebrow. I turn my head to King and finish. “But wherever you put me, I don’t give a fuck. I’m in fucking hell regardless, and even more so around you. Please, send me back to my cell. I'd much prefer it.”
King looks surprised at my outburst.
“I can easily send you back downstairs, Theodora.”
“No, I saidmycell.” I stand, pushing my chair back. “My cell at that shitty prison of yours. Where I had friends, where I knew what to expect, whereyouweren’t around.”