Page 50 of Prisoner

As if the heat of my gaze is burning his skin, I notice the bulge growing in his shorts and my cheeks redden even more. What is happening?

“My eyes are up here, sweetheart.” He winks as I quickly find eye contact, embarrassment flooding my veins that I’ve been caught staring not only at his abs but at his semi-hard dick.

Trying to play it off cool, I reply, “And your dick is down there.”

I shrug, like it’s absolutely no big deal, but inside I’m dying.

I can’t believe I just said that.

I notice the slightest shadow of pink on his cheeks and I dance in victory internally that I got a reaction out of him. Then he laughs. A loud belly laugh and I swear it’s the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard, echoing with the waterfall.

“Smooth. Real smooth.”

I laugh too. I can’t help it. He’s infectious.

King steps up closer to me and slowly peels my T-shirt from my body, leaving me in my plain black T-shirt bra and shorts. I fidget, slightly uncomfortable under his wandering gaze, but his eyes are filled with anything but judgement.

“Ready?” he asks, grabbing hold of my hand and walking us right to the edge of the rocks.

I look up at him, amused, nervous, and excited all at once, but I’ve no idea if it’s because of jumping or because of him.

“Ready!” I smile and turn to face the water.

He squeezes my hand tighter and after silently counting to three in my head, I follow his lead and we jump off. Floating in the air for mere seconds, free as a bird with no other feeling than pure joy before crash landing into the depths of the water, my hand losing King’s as we go under.

I take in the peacefulness at the bottom, opening my eyes to see the sandy gravel floor and small fishes swimming away from the interruption. A smile pulls at my lips whilst I continue to hold my breath and I push up from the ground, making my way to the surface.

As I appear above the water, I take a deep breath in and stroke the hair back from my face. I scan the surface for King when strong arms wrap around my stomach from behind, a solid body holding on to me, feelings I’ve never felt before overtaking my emotions and senses.

I turn in his arms and take him in. His hair is everywhere, darker than normal with the water. Small water droplets gently slide down his face, off his nose, and glisten on his eyelashes. He’s beautiful.

One of his hands leaves my back and he cups my cheek, holding me close, our lips inches apart. I try to steady my breathing.

“Are you okay?” he whispers, but loud enough for me to hear him over the waterfall.

“Yes,” I whisper back.

And he kisses me.

King parts his lips and places them perfectly on mine, stealing my breath away and giving me his. Our lips move in perfect harmony. His tongue rolls along my bottom lip before I open up further for him, allowing him entrance, and all I feel is pure bliss.

True, I’ve never been kissed before, but they can’t all be like this, can they?

After the most passionate moment of my life passes too soon, we both pull back to catch our breath and I can’t stop smiling. The tingling of his lips still on mine.

King reaches his thumb across and rubs it gently on my lower lip, and even though it was the quietest of whispers and the waterfall was so loud I could have imagined it, I heard the words like they were whispered right to my soul.

“Don’t go anywhere.”

Okay, I promised.

* * *

“Wake the fuck up.”King’s voice wakes me and I scrunch up my eyes, trying to clear my head from my dream of a pinnacle moment in my life, before King fucked up that girl who believed in some sort of love.

“Wake. The. Fuck. Up!” he says louder, and I roll my eyes.

I turn onto my back on the concrete floor and look over at the gate. He’s standing tall on the other side, his arms crossed in front of him, a scowl on his face.