Puck sitsunder the dim light, his hands tied up behind his back, blood pouring out of his nose from the fresh set of punches I gave him moments ago. My knuckles crack from the blow, but my fist stays clenched.
After visiting Theo’s cell last night, I can’t get her out of my head. How it felt to have her under my hands, hearing my name escape her lips, how her body looked, glistening in her cum as she stood naked and exposed in front of me. But my blood boils when I think of Puck staring at the same curves, admiring her peachy ass in the showers that same day.
Did he notice the small freckle that hides just under her left breast? Or the faint scars that burden her arms? Did he see the pink of her pussy, her pebbled nipples?
I’m hungry for Theo, but I’m thirsty for blood. And unfortunately for Puck, it’s his.
“What the fuck is this, man?” Puck spits, a clot of blood landing on the floor at my feet. He has the audacity to sound confused as to why I dragged him to the interrogation room before doors opened this morning.
The room is empty aside from the single chair Puck is tied to and the shitty lightbulb on the ceiling that’s so dim, it might as well not work. There’s a mirror on one wall that’s two-way, like all good interrogation rooms have, and I know Dax is standing on the other side. Probably shaking his head at my sudden change in behaviour.
He’s fed up with me and he’s fed up with spending so much time here, but I can’t seem to do business elsewhere. My father’s funeral is looming over our heads and the entire empire of the First District is still waiting for me to properly take the reins, but this goddamn prison is all I can think about. I rear my fist back for another round when Puck shouts at me before I take my swing.
“King, what the fuck!”
I hesitate and look at him, seeing the genuine confusion in his eyes.
“I’ll take a beating, you know I will, but tell me what the fuck it is I did first.”
I lower my fist and lean closer so we’re eye to eye.
“You know what you did, Puck.”
He just glares at me, which only winds me up even more. “Please, enlighten me.”
I glance over at the mirror, looking at Dax through my reflection, then turn my head back to Puck.
“You fucking look at or touch Theodora again, I swear to God I will slit your throat right here,” I say, baring my teeth at him.
He halts for a minute. A sudden look of surprise, then a smile shadows over his face before a full belly laugh erupts from his mouth.
What the fuck?
My anger resurfaces and I clench my fist again, ramming it into the side of his jaw so he chokes on his laugh at the blow of the punch.
“Okay, okay,” he says, spitting out some more blood.
“The fuck you laughing at, Puck? You think this is amusing?”
He shakes his head, the smile ghosting his features again.
“I think it’s amusing that you’ve actually dragged my ass in here to beat the shit out of me over jealousy for the girl. Are you kidding me?”
“I’m not fucking jealous,” I spit but lower my hand in defeat.
“You got a crush on the girl, King? Hey, didn’t she kill your dad like three days ago?” He chuckles again.
“You have some nerve laughing about this, Pucker.” His old nickname rolls off my tongue like in the old days.
“You’ve got some nerve tying me up and beating the shit out of me over this,King. Untie my fucking hands, mate.”
I sigh and untie his hands from the ropes, and he rubs them both in his hands, easing his wrists as Dax enters the room smiling, giving Puck a handshake.
“What the fuck’s gotten into him?” Puck says to Dax, pointing to me over his shoulder.
“Kid’s losing it, mate. I haven’t been able to get him to leave the prison since she walked through the doors. Hell, she’s fucking walking all over him. If I didn’t know him better, I’d say he was in love with the girl,” Dax retaliates, encouraging him. Both of them laugh and it takes everything in me not to shoot them here and now.