Kip stared daggers at me.

And though I thought I was pretty fearless, it made my lip tremble just a little.

“I’m amending the agreement,” he clipped.

The fear left pretty quickly then. “What the fuck, Kip?” I seethed. “We both have needs. I’m not gonna be a nun for a year, and I sure as fuck know you won’t be a monk.”

“I won’t be,” he agreed. “But I’m your husband, so I’m going to be tending to your needs.”

You could’ve knocked me over with a fucking feather in that moment. The silence that proceeded his words was long. He didn’t speak. I barely breathed.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I asked on a whisper. “We agreed we weren’t going to have sex.”

“Changed my mind,” Kip said.

“Well, good for you,” I snapped. “I haven’t.” A couple of dreams and moments of weakness didn’t count.

“You want me,” he murmured as if he were reading my mind.

“About as much as I want a bikini wax,” I informed him sweetly.

“You want my cock.”

I blinked, my entire body shuddering with need. I forced my face to stay in its scowl, though I feared Kip had already caught my reaction. “Don’t be crass.”

“You want me crass.” He stepped forward.

I scuttled back, annoyed that it was my first instinct. Even more annoyed that there was nowhere for me to go since I slammed into the door of Kip’s truck.

“You want it dirty,” he continued, caging me in.

He pressed his body into mine, so I could feel his warmth—and his rock-hard cock.

My body awakened. Every single nerve ending.

“You want me to fuck you right here, right now, against this truck in the fucking parking lot,” he murmured, grasping my neck. Hard.

I sucked in an unsteady breath. My heart thundered in my chest, and my knees wobbled.

“Say it,” he breathed, lips brushing mine. “Say you want me to fuck you right here.”

I did want him to fuck me right here.

More than anything.

But I jutted my chin upward and glared at him. “Cage me in all you want, asshole. I’m not admitting shit.”

Kip’s eyes were stormy with desire, with the menace he’d shown to my suitor earlier. But his lips stretched into a grin.

“You won’t say it with your words, but you’ll admit it with your mouth.”

Then he kissed me.


Not like he had on our wedding day or at the bakery.

No, then, it seemed, he was holding back. Although at the time, I thought he wasn’t.