Page 33 of Hex

The front door flung open behind them. Killian strode in like an avenging god, Devyn sauntering behind him.

“You could have knocked,” Cain said.

The head of Sentinel Security skewered him with a sharp, hot look. “You got herkidnapped.”

“I’m fine,” Jet said, holding her arms out. “All in one piece.”

Killian gave Cain another dark look, then engulfed Jet in a hug.

“It won’t happen again,” Cain said.

“It had better not, or you’ll be dead.”

“Boys.” Devyn shook her head. “Hex is fine. She saved herself.” Devyn nudged her husband aside and hugged Jet.

Cain knew Killian had the right to be pissed. He’d promised to look after her, and he’d failed. Hell, he was still pissed at himself. It was pure luck she hadn’t been tortured or killed.

Fuck. He’d seen fellow agents who’d gone out like that. Snatched by the enemy, their broken bodies found dumped hours later.

“Okay, now that we’re all friends again,” Devyn said, “did the buyer make contact?”

Jet shook her head.

“He will.” Killian’s gaze slid to Cain. “Any luck identifying who snatched Hex from the airport?”

“No.” His team had nothing. “It was either the buyer, or we have a rival in play who wants the drone tech, as well.”

Killian scowled. “So they could try to nab her again.”

Cain smiled sharply. “They can try.”

“Okay, don’t smile like that,” Jet said to him. “It’s scary.”

“Hawke and I made some calls on the flight here,” Devyn said.

“You weren’t busy joining the mile-high club?” Jet joked.

“I didn’t say that.” Devyn winked. “Besides, Hawke and I are already members.”

Cain groaned and Jet laughed.

Killian rolled his eyes to the ceiling. “Dangerous mission, remember?”

Devyn blew her husband a kiss. “I know. Now, I made some calls, and tapped my European contacts.”

“Some of them will only talk face-to-face,” Killian said, not sounding happy about it.

“So put on a dress, Hex, because we’re heading to L’Arc to meet our first friend.” Devyn used air quotes for the word friend.

“What’s L’Arc?” Jet asked.

“The hottest club in Paris. It’s right near the Arc de Triomphe, istheplace to be seen, and it has awesome cocktails. You’ll love it.”

As the women hurried into the bedroom, Cain walked to the bar. “Bourbon?”

“What have they got?”

“Knob Creek 12-Year-Old.”