Page 8 of Hex

Suddenly, Jet’s phone vibrated in her tiny, glittery shoulder bag. Shit, she tried to fight the urge to check it.

“I’m going to get a drink,” she yelled at Remi.

Her friend nodded.

Jet hurried over to the bar and pulled out her phone.

Happy birthday, pixie.

She felt a burst of warmth. She tried to fight it off.


How are you celebrating?

Drinks with the gang. Dancing.

Sounds fun.

I suppose you’re somewhere far away and dangerous.


She knew there was so much he could never share about his missions. Did he ever talk to anyone? Was he always alone?

She snorted. The great, dangerous Shade didn’t need anyone.

You safe?

God, she was an idiot.

Yes, pixie.

She hated the nickname. Well, okay hate was a strong word. She sighed. Okay, she kinda liked it. She’d never admit that it made her belly warm.

Sliding her phone back in her tiny bag, she headed back to the dance floor. It was her birthday. She was determined to let loose a little and have some fun.

Remi was really moving now. The woman could dance. Several men were starting to watch her.Uh-oh. Jet knew Mav well enough to know he’d lose his mind if anyone touched her.

Nina and Ellen danced up to Jet, and she lifted her arms, moving to the beat.

One man made a move on Remi. Whatever he said, her friend shook her head. Jet started heading in her direction.

But the dude wasn’t taking no for an answer. He waved at the bar, smiled, mimed drinking.

A second later, Mav appeared. He had a fierce scowl on his rugged face. He wrapped his arms around Remi, and kissed her neck, glaring at the man the entire time.

The man hesitated, eyed Mav’s broad form, then slunk off. Mav spun Remi and kissed her. Right there in the middle of the crowd of dancers, like they were the only two people in existence.

Jet nearly stumbled. She wanted that. So badly. All that passion and need and possessiveness.

Once the couple pulled apart, a flushed and dazed-looking Remi waved at Jet as Mav dragged her away.

Jet whirled around. She was going to have fun if it killed her. Maybe she’d even kiss a guy.

She danced to the beat, then turned, and bumped into a man.

“Sorry,” she shouted over the music.