Page 3 of Hex



She could almost hear the deep timbre of his voice.

You were warned.

I’ll get my revenge.

You’re all talk. For all I know, you’re in Timbuktu. I think you’re full of hot air, Bond.

Bad girls get spanked.

Jet gasped and her hand shook. She felt a fierce pulse between her legs. She was sure Cain could make a spanking very pleasurable.

No. She squeezed her thighs together. Not thinking of Cain and spanking. His big palm on her ass…

Her panties dampened.Shit, get a grip, Hex.

Nothing to say now, pixie?

Oh, now she could almost picture the cocky look on his face and the smug tone to his voice.

I never have been, and never will be, spanked.

We’ll see. I could make you beg for it.

God. She pressed a hand to her belly. They were crossing so many lines here.

In your dreams, Bond. Now go away; I’m working.

The phone went silent, but Jet felt all churned up. She tried to focus on the computer screen.

It would be very, very stupid to let her fantasies about Cain, aka Shade, get any worse.

He wasnotfor her. The man had heartbreak written all over him.

He was married to his job, and serving his country. Hewashis job. Plus, he was gorgeous; pure sex on a stick. He could have any woman he wanted.

There was no way he’d ever give her what she needed. What she craved. She’d just be a minor detour in his road. Jet was sick of being a detour for men before they found someone better. She wanted to be someone’s ultimate destination.

* * *

Cain “Shade”Cavanagh flicked off the blowtorch and rose. He kicked the circle of metal he’d just cut, opening up a neat hole. He ducked, stepping into the vault.

His headlamp shone on the gold bullion and artwork.

A nice little stash, but not his target. He knew exactly what he was after.

He moved to a row of filing cabinets at the back of the vault, and pulled open the third drawer on the second unit. He flicked through the files. God, Corozzo was an asshole. A dirty one, who liked young girls.

Cain found the file he wanted and pulled it out. Then he slid it inside his black jacket.

Turning, he slipped back out of the vault. He paused to take a picture of the front. Then he found the number saved underPixie.

Look what I just broke into.

He sent the picture.