Viv laughed. “Beef or chicken ramen?”

Her brother looked like she’d offended him. “I’ll have you know I’ve learned a thing or two living in the mountains. Unless I wanted to live off of Maisey’s blue-plate specials or Dalton’s take-and-bake pizza, I had to learn to cook.” He stood and kissed Cameron.

“Wow, they can be trained,” Viv joked as Val walked away to start dinner. She knew her brother could take care of himself and those around him, even if his cooking skills were lacking.

“So, what kind of dinner have you got in store for us tonight?” she called after him.

Val turned back and grinned. “You’ll be impressed, I promise.” He then disappeared into the kitchen.

“Can he cook, or should I get the box of brownies I picked up at B’s Bakery from the SUV?”

“You bought brownies?”

“Yes. I was taught that you never go anywhere empty-handed.”

Cameron clapped her hands in excitement. “You are my favorite sister-in-law.”

“I’m your only sister-in-law.”

“Right, but still my favorite.”

Soon enough, Val emerged from the kitchen with a platter filled with salmon and steamed vegetables. As soon as the aroma hit Vivian’s nose, her stomach growled loudly.

“Are you hungry?” Val asked.

“I ate on the way, but I could eat again.”

Cameron rose and took the baby from Viv’s arms, and they headed to the dining room table, where a large picture window overlooked the lake.

Val sat the platter down and narrowed his eyes. “I bet you already had fish today—Swedish gummy fish.”

“No fish today, only worms.”

“Speaking of worms,” Val said with a smile. “Cameron is the only person who can outfish me with a baitless hook.”

Viv let out a low whistle in admiration. “Did you catch these?”

Cameron shook her head. “No way! We got them at the store in Copper Creek. I wish we were that skilled, but all you’ll catch in that pond is trout and a boot someone lost years ago.”

As they began to eat, Vivian couldn’t help but savor the flavors that burst in her mouth. The fresh herbs and spices perfectly complemented the delicate flavor of the fish. She closed her eyes momentarily, fully immersing herself in the experience.

When she opened her eyes, she took it all in. The sight of the lake lapping against the shore added to the serene ambiance of the cabin. Vivian’s gaze was drawn to the sun starting to set, casting a warm, orange glow across the water. She understood why her brother gave up everything to be here.

Her thoughts drifted to the business aspect of her visit. She wondered when the best time would be to bring it up to Val, but she didn’t want to spoil their peaceful moment with the baby and the delicious meal and decided to wait until they were more relaxed and settled in.

For now, she would enjoy her family’s company and soak in the beauty of the place they called home.


Red emerged from the dimly lit venue, his chest heaving with the adrenaline of the performance. The chilly night air sent a shiver down his spine, but he couldn’t help but smile. Indigo had played an incredible set, and the crowd’s roar still echoed in his ears. A high-pitched voice cut through the din as he approached the waiting limousine.

“Red! Over here!”

He turned to see a young woman, breathless and excited, running towards him. She had a shock of curly hair and a smattering of freckles across her nose. He could tell from her logo-emblazoned T-shirt and giddy demeanor that she was a fan.

She reached him, beaming from ear to ear. “Oh my God, Red, that was amazing! I sold my car for a ticket and hitchhiked from Cali to get here. I’m your number one fan, but you already know that. I’m Sarah, remember?”

Red squinted at her, trying to place her face, but he couldn’t. After years of performing, the faces all looked the same. “Thanks, Sarah. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”