Val shot Vivian a knowing look, mischief in his eyes. “Careful, Viv. You might catch baby fever.”

Vivian waved him off with an exaggerated roll of her eyes. “Oh, please. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” But the truth was, she couldn’t deny the warmth and joy filling her insides at the sight of Cameron holding their new bundle of joy. She could picture herself as an aunt, but motherhood? Was it possible? Could she overhaul her life and find a man who fit into the equation too? The idea sounded like more work than fun. She’d encountered two that very day—one who wanted to buy her a drink but wasn’t interested in dating her, and one who had the sensibility of a tenth grader. There were no immediate prospects. She chuckled to herself.

Cameron kissed the baby’s head and offered her to Viv. “Would you like to hold your niece?”

“I-I don’t know if I should,” she stuttered nervously, unsure of herself.

Cameron smiled reassuringly at her. “It’s okay, Viv. Just hold her like this,” she said as she demonstrated how to cradle the baby.

Vivian’s hands trembled as she accepted the tiny bundle from Cameron. She supported the baby carefully, terrified of doing something wrong. Uncharacteristically, she felt as large and clumsy as an elephant beside Natalie’s delicate and petite frame. She couldn’t help but let out a nervous chuckle as she struggled to find a comfortable position for the baby.

Cameron smiled warmly at Vivian’s nervousness. “It’s okay, Viv. She won’t break. Just relax and enjoy holding her.”

Vivian followed Cameron’s advice and focused on Natalie’s sweet little face. She marveled at how her tiny fingers curled around her own, and she couldn’t help but let out a small coo of affection.

Suddenly, Natalie let out a loud, wet noise, and milk dribbled from the corner of the baby’s mouth. Vivian’s eyes widened in horror. “Oh no! What do I do? She’s leaking.”

Cameron laughed softly and reached over with a cloth to wipe the baby’s mouth. “Don’t worry, Viv. That’s just a little gas. Here, let me show you how to burp her.”

Cameron gently took Natalie back into her arms and showed Vivian how to pat her back before placing a burp cloth on Vivian’s shoulder and handing her back. After a few moments, Natalie let out a satisfying burp, and both women sighed in relief.

Vivian couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment at successfully burping the baby. She smiled down at Natalie, feeling a new sense of connection with the little girl.

Cameron grinned at Vivian. “You really are a natural. Are you sure you don’t want to give Natalie a cousin?”

Vivian blushed at the suggestion but couldn’t deny the warm feeling in her chest at the thought. “Nope, I’m happy being the best aunt ever.”

“You’re her only aunt,” Val said.

Viv grinned. “Which makes me the best by default.”

They all laughed, and Vivian settled back into the couch, cradling Natalie in her arms. She couldn’t believe how much love she already felt for this bundle of joy.

“How was the drive?” Val asked.

Viv breathed deeply, hoping to capture the smell forever inside her heart and mind. Natalie smelled like spring rain on new growth, like a breeze on a beach at sunset, like the bounce from a rubber ball, like buttercream icing melting in the sun. She pulled the baby closer to smell Natalie’s sweetness—perfection.

“Drive was good. Picked up two hitchhikers.” She watched her brother’s brow furrow.

He pointed to Natalie. “She’s not allowed to teach our daughter about stranger danger.”

“It was fine. Besides, if he tried anything, I could have maimed him with the giant Jenga blocks I had to tape to my feet. And his dog was likelier to lick me than bite me to death.”

Cameron cocked her head. “Wait…you taped Jenga pieces to your feet?”

Viv sighed. “Desperate times … desperate measures, and all that.” She pointed to Val. “He rented me a Yukon.”


“She would have murdered me if I got the Mini Cooper. I was keeping our family intact.”

“We could have sent a car,” Cameron said.

“I like to drive. Even the Yukon was fun once I got myself situated.” She stared down at her niece, who was shifting, moving, and rooting around for her next meal. “I think she’s hungry.”

Cameron sighed. “She’s always hungry.”

Val jumped up. “Speaking of hungry, I’m making dinner.”