Page 97 of Sinful Hearts

He sighs. “Look, there’s no easy way to say this, but I wanted to tell you face to face, like men.”


“You getting cold feet, Jay?”

“Shit, Hades, I didn’t mean for this to happen. I said no at first. But he just kept putting money on the table, brother. And at a certain point, it becomes impossible to keep saying no.”

My jaw grinds.

“Whokept putting money on the table,” I growl.

Jayden sighs. “I’m sorry, Hades. I know this is going to look like a snub, and I didn’t mean for it to be. It’s just business—”


He drags his fingers through his gray beard.

“Gavan Tsarenko.”

Son. Of. A. Bitch.

“He came in less than an hour ago, Hades. I never invited him, and I truly don’t even know how he knew it was for sale. But he did, and the more I told him it wasn’t for sale, the more he was telling me everything can be for sale at the right price, and throwing more money on the table.”

Jayden looks legitimately sorry, and a little scared as he shrugs and raises his arms in appeal. “I mean what was I supposed to do, brother? All respect to you and your family, Hades, it’s the fuckin’ RussianBratva.”

I look away, my jaw grinding.

“How much.”

Jayden sucks his teeth. “Seven.”

Fucking. Hell.

“He droppedseven mil?!”

Jay nods.

“That’s fucking insane.”

“You’re telling me.”

“Also…” Desmond, Jayden’s nephew and the next in line for the throne, gets up from one of the couches across the office. “Gavan rolled up with thirty big fuckin’ Russian dudes, who literally surrounded the place.” He shrugs. “I don’t think he was planning to start anything, but Gavan definitely meant to send a message.”

“Which I got loud and clear, you hear what I’m saying?” Jayden mutters.

“Yeah,” I growl. “I hear you.”

Except I don’t think the message was for him.

It was formeand my family. Tsarenko comes by with thirty men, and then pays one hundred and thirty-three fucking percent over the current price?

Yeah,no. That wasn’t a bidding war. That was a shot across my family’s fucking bow.

“Hades, I’m sorry, brother. I didn’t—”

“It’s fine.”

I stand, cracking my neck before I reach over and shake Jay’s hand.