Page 80 of Trust Me

She pulled her knees to her chest as she started to shake.

“Pull up, Diana.”

“Am I that obvious?”

“You’re in the same position you were in when I found you in the pantry yesterday.”

She unfurled her legs as she saw the truth of his words. How many times had she sat in the tent in Jordan, in this same position?

She’d have slept curled in a ball last night, except she’d shared Chris’s bed. He’d held her and stroked her back until she’d drifted to sleep, and this morning, she’d woken up curled against his side.

She’d had sex with this man, and she’d slept with him now too, but it wasn’t the same. “You think someday we’ll have sex and sleep in the same bed?”

He laughed. “Talk about your change in subjects.”

“Answer the question, Flyte.”

He took her hand and brought it to his lips, even as he kept his eyes on the road. “If I have anything to do with it, yes.”

“I’m pretty sure that by definition, you have something to do with it.”

“Takes two to tango.”

She pulled his hand to her lips. “I do want to tango with you.”

He pulled his hand away and tugged at his pants, shifting uncomfortably. “It’s gonna be a long-ass drive to DC.”

“We could pull over…”

“No. I didn’t behave like a fricking saint last night to ruin it with a roadside quickie now.”


She rode in silence for a few minutes, then spotted a blue sign listing several stores to be found at the next exit.

“Take this exit.”

“No quickies, Diana. I don’t do quick.”

She snickered, but said, “Sorry, this isn’t about your body. There’s an electronics store, and I need to get a new tablet.”

“You can’t log in to any of your accounts. You know that.”

“I can’t log into the accounts the NSA knows about, you mean.”

She liked that he signaled for the exit, which was coming up fast, instead of waiting for the full explanation. They were off the interstate before she was halfway through telling him about the old email account and the photos she’d sent to that address from Rafiq’s camera.

By the time she’d finished, he was in the store parking lot. “Okay. You stay here. Keep your head down, like you’re reading.” He reached into the back seat and grabbed a winter hat with an embroidered US Navy patch. He placed it on her head and pulled it down to cover her ears. “Still too damn pretty,” he murmured. Then he kissed her hard and fast, his tongue invading quickly but thoroughly. Just long enough to leave her breathless.

She locked the door behind him and watched him walk away, admiring one of the finest asses she’d ever seen, before slumping down into the seat as he’d insisted.

She wanted to grumble that she’d only gotten about an hour of Christmas fun before the decision was made to return to DC, but she knew she was lucky to have had an hour.

She was lucky to have had ten minutes.

A dark-haired man climbed out of a vehicle two rows away. The way he moved caught her attention. His gait was familiar. As were his height and build.

Her breath squeezed from her lungs. She wasn’t used to seeing him in winter clothing, which would explain the difference in his shape.