Page 118 of Trust Me

He understood why she was playing it close to the chest, but still, it irked him. “You know you can trust me. Whoever drugged him already has the address.”

“Go south on 95. You’ll get the address when you need it.”

He reached the lobby and spotted Bryce. “Albrecht is here.”

“Take him with you.”

“You sure?”

She paused, then said, “Do it.”

Rand didn’t bother worrying about speed limits. If cops wanted to chase him, he’d lead them to the house where a SEAL had been drugged.

Freya gave him the address when he was two miles from the exit. He asked for an update on Diana, but she didn’t respond. The silence told him the call had ended.

He gripped the steering wheel and floored the accelerator, telling himself this was an op. Not one assigned by his superiors in the Navy, but an op just the same. He knew his job.

Get to Chris. Take him to a hospital if needed. Protect his teammate.

“What the fuck is going on?” Albrecht asked for the seventh time.

He gave the same answer he’d given before. “We’ll find out when we get there.”

“You know something.”

“I only know Chris is in trouble.”

“And the Diana person you asked about, that’s Diana Edwards, right?”

“What makes you think that?”

“Stop being a dick and answer my questions. If I’m running into something dangerous, I have the right to know.”

Rand made an illegal pass on the right, narrowly avoiding a mailbox bank.

“What the fuck, man!” Albrecht shouted.

Rand turned into the neighborhood. Almost there.

Albrecht was right about needing to know what he was getting into. Rand had just been putting off telling him as long as possible.

“This morning, the house Chris was staying in blew up.”

“What? Blew up? Are you saying that explosion that’s all over the news was him?”

“Yes. He found a new place to stay, but now he’s been drugged.” He turned onto the street. The house would be at the end of the block. “We don’t know what we’ll find when we get inside, or even if Chris will still be there.”

“Why not call the police?”

“He wasn’t alone. He was with Diana. Police would put a BOLO on the vehicle she’s driving. They’ll probably assume she’s the one who did the drugging. They might try to pin the explosion on her too.”

“Maybe she did it. Dr. Edwards made up that shit about Rafiq. Now she’s using Chris to try to make it look like someone is after her.”

“Where the hell would Diana get a pipe bomb from? She’s been with Chris since Friday night.”

“He was with us at a bar last night. I didn’t see Diana there.”

“She can’t drive. Busted ankle.”