Page 117 of Trust Me

Diana stared at the Call Ended notice. Tears streaked down her cheeks.

She couldn’t do what Freya had said. Couldn’t leave him.

But if she was taken, he would be in the same situation, and she’d be killed by Jamal.

Freya was right.

Tears dripped from her cheeks to his as she leaned down and kissed him. “I’m sorry. So sorry.” Then she whispered, “I think I love you. That’s what I wanted to say tonight. I love you.”

She pulled out his wallet and took all the cash. He had several hundred dollars. She touched his face one more time, then rolled him onto his side, just in case he got sick while unconscious.

She ran into the study and grabbed the computer, 5G hotspot, and her phone. Back in the main room, she glanced around for his pistol, but remembered there was a gun in the car’s glove box, courtesy of Raptor. She grabbed the car keys from the counter and headed out the door.

Once she was in the driver’s seat, she quickly removed the walking boot. She’d have to drive with just the support brace and hope that was enough to protect her healing wounds.

The garage door slowly rose, her heart beating frantically with every slow inch. She was panicked at leaving Chris and terrified of not having left faster.

Finally, the garage door had risen just enough, and she hit the accelerator. The car backed out far too fast, going straight into the road. She hadn’t even checked for traffic. Thankfully, the road was clear. She slammed the gear shift into Drive and left the quiet neighborhood with a peel of rubber on pavement.

Christmas lights and inflatable reindeer and Santa Clauses were a blur as she searched for the exit to the neighborhood. Finally, she spotted the main road and pulled into Monday evening traffic.

She didn’t know where she was going, she only knew she had to get away. An interstate or other highway would be best, because then she could use cruise control to regulate speed, accelerating and braking with her thumbs instead of her right foot.

She didn’t know this area, though, and went in circles before finally spotting a sign that would take her to a highway and then I-95.

It was weird to be driving again. But maybe that was just because she was terrified and slightly lost. Plus she had to remind herself to look for a tail.

She couldn’t call Freya on her new burner phone. If they’d gotten Chris’s new number, they could have accessed his contacts list and would have her new number too.

Freya’s number was also compromised, although the security on her end would be locked tight. She needed to find someplace safe to park for a while so she could cry and panic and figure out what to do.

But she was afraid if she stopped, Jamal would catch up to her.

She was back on the bicycle in Aqaba, her ankle burning with pain as she searched for a place to hide.

Except this time, there was no way Chris could save her.

Chapter Fifty-Four

Rand was on his feet the moment he saw a text from an unknown number.

This is Freya. Chris needs your help. Drugged and passed out.

He hit the Call button as he grabbed his already-packed bag. It held his sidearm and uniform. He’d need the gun.

Freya picked up immediately.

“What’s happening?” he asked.

“Chris’s phone was compromised. I don’t know how they did it, but once they had the number, they were able to get his location when he placed a dinner order. They must’ve sent someone to intercept the food and injected something into the bottle of wine. He’s passed out. I told Diana to leave him and run. We’ve got a tracker on the vehicle. She’s gone.”

“Am I going after Diana or Chris?”

“Chris. Diana should be safe as long as she keeps moving. We’ll figure out a way to intercept her, but Chris is our first priority.”

“Got it. Where am I going?”

“I’ll give you the address once you’re on the road. Head south of DC.”