Page 114 of Trust Me

She would always feel safe in his arms. The smell of him was imprinted on her brain. He was comfort, safety, and…so much more.

“I’m sorry I forgot to tell you. After a certain point, I guess I forgot that you never had a chance to talk to Freya. She would have told you that night if you’d been able to call her.”

“I get it.” In the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t that important. Having his picture only mattered more now, when they had another picture to match it with.

He was her bomber. And if the hospital security footage had been saved, maybe it could be proven that she’d been right then too.

It was a long shot to think it had been saved when no one had believed her to begin with, but she wasn’t afraid to grasp at straws.

Anything that would eventually connect the dots to Rafiq.

“Were Jamal and Bassam and their sister taken in one of the raids Rafiq took credit for?”

“I don’t know, but I’m sure Freya does.”

He released her and led her toward the table. “We should eat while it’s hot.”

“I’m not sure I’ll be able to.”

“I understand. But you should try. Take it slow.”

He grabbed the bottle of red wine he’d opened while she put away the groceries and poured them each a small glass.

She took a sip. It was okay, but it was the smell of garlic bread that got her attention. Carbs were her stress food, and nothing beat garlic bread dipped in whatever sauce was on the main course. Tonight it was creamy pesto chicken, and it was divine enough to wake her appetite.

She sipped water and hogged all the bread while Chris told her stories about Navy life and BUD/S.

She liked that he didn’t skip over stories that included his ex-wife. They’d been married for a long time, and she’d been integral to his world. It would be weird to pretend she hadn’t existed in the same way Diana would never shy away from talking about Salim.

They had both loved other people. They’d both lost them in very different ways. Those losses made them who they were today.

“Last Thursday…you said you were still legally married. Did you ever sign the papers?”

He smiled. “I signed them first thing Friday morning, before going to Freya’s office. I’m a free man.”

Did he want to stay free?

It was a ridiculous question to consider. They’d only known each other since Thursday. It was now Monday evening.

But in that time, they’d decorated a Christmas tree and survived a bombing. That was a relationship on the fast track.

Plus, really, she’d first met him in September, and again six weeks later.

She’d lived a lifetime in the interval.

Chris refilled his wineglass and was about to refill hers, but paused when he saw it was nearly full. “Don’t like the wine?”

“It’s fine. I was just thirsty with all the salty garlic bread, so I wanted water more.”

He gave her a splash more wine, then set the bottle down and picked up his glass. He smiled ruefully at the unlit candles on the table. “I meant to light those. I wanted to eat by candle and firelight and make this feel like a date.”

She smiled. “You want to woo me even after I’ve put out?”

“Absolutely. I want to give you flowers and chocolate and orgasms.”

She laughed. “That’s all good, but what you’ve given me is so much more than that.”

“What have I given you?”