Page 112 of Trust Me

She headed toward the study and computer. “You’ll get it. After dinner.”

He watched her disappear into the other room right as his phone pinged with a text.


Finally got rid of the kid. Can talk now. How is D?

He closed his eyes and remembered the feel of her inner thigh against his cheek. She was probably going to have razor burn. He’d have to put lotion on it for her.


She’s okay. Rough morning.

Text me if you need anything. I was going to head to Aspen on Wednesday, but I might stick around another day.

You should go. Unless the Valkyries have another job for you, we’re set.

He thought about Diana’s questions about Rand. Chris trusted him, but was that because he was a teammate and his commander, or because Freya trusted him?

He thought it was the former, but truth was, he didn’t really know the guy.

Ian had changed to Arabic when talking to Diana yesterday, and while they were driving today, she’d told him Ian was looking into Chris and his team.

He knew why Ian would investigate everyone—even, perhaps especially, the SEAL team members Freya trusted. Ian wasn’t biased for or against anyone.

Albrecht had to top their investigation list. It was curious that he was still in town, but also not surprising that a guy who was only interested in getting laid when he was in port would be dumped by his girlfriend as soon as he got home. There was a reason sailors had a reputation the world over, and guys like PO3 Bryce Albrecht were the poster boys for that.

Yet it was hard to imagine the guy committing treason and betraying an op. Still, he’d been at the bar last night and could easily have planted a tracker on Chris’s SUV. He could have done it before he even sat down in the booth.

Chris had already told Freya everything they’d done yesterday, everyone he’d spoken to on the phone or in person. It was a short list, and she’d have given Raptor that information to investigate. If anything, the former SEAL who ran the company would look deep into Chris’s team first. Every SEAL knew there were bad apples in the ranks. Same with Army Rangers, Delta Force, and Green Berets. There was no special forces group that had a perfect system for weeding out traitors.

Hell, even the CIA had a few high-level traitors in their ranks, and he gathered Freya’s bitterness with her former agency ran along those lines.

Special Activities Division was a dark job. Rumored to be the ones who did the wet work. Create coups. Install dictators.

They were a fun lot.

He finished dressing and joined Diana in the study. She was on the computer, watching the explosion video again. She’d zoomed in on the face of the bomber.

“Not content to wait for Raptor to enhance it?”

“I remembered a program that we used when I was in school to bump up the resolution on low-res images. Sometimes the only photos we have of artifacts are old and blurry, or taken with a Polaroid, which degrade faster than film. We’d scan them to see if we could identify a piece that had been stolen decades before.” She pointed to the screen. “There’s a free not-so-great online version, but it’s better than nothing. I grabbed a still image and was just about to upload it.”

He sat in the chair next to her. “I take it you’re using the VPN and not the rental house internet?”

She gave him a look. “Of course.”

“Still, I had to ask.”

She kissed him. “I know. Not mad. I’d ask you the same question.”

He probably wouldn’t take the risk of uploading the photo at all, but he understood why Diana couldn’t wait.

She hit the Upload button and they waited while a pinwheel circle spun to indicate it was processing the request.

“Kind of like Blade Runner, isn’t it?”

She snorted. “That scene was a total cheat! No way could they get an image from the mirror.”