Page 7 of Tanner's Forever

“Fair enough.” Before he walks away, he leans in to whisper, “I’ll be over at the tables if you change your mind.

I have no idea what just happened, and honestly, I wonder if all the tequila is playing tricks on me. Maybe instead of beer goggles, I have on margarita goggles.

Or maybe he really is as hot as I thought he was.

Finally, the bartender gets to me and hands me my water. I walk back to the table where both of my friends sit with their mouths hanging open.

“What?” I ask.

“Uhm, who was that?” Gina asks.

“I didn’t get his name.”

“Why the hell not? What did you talk about?”

I shrug my shoulders. “He asked if he could buy me a drink and then if I wanted to play pool with him.”

Gina rolls her eyes and lets out a huff. “Then, why the fuck are you back here with us?”

“We are supposed to be having a girl’s night. I didn’t want to just bail.”

“Sweetie, we are fine. I think I speak for the both of us when I say we are more than willing to take one for the team if it means your vagina comes out of retirement.”

Shocked, I reply, “My vagina is not in retirement.”

“Self-employment doesn’t count.”

“Ha-ha. Very funny. It’s just on sabbatical. Besides, what’s the point?”

Nancy chimes in now. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, it’s not like anything can come from it. One, that guy looks way younger than me. Two, I have three kids. There’s no way I have time for any of that. Plus, you know Judd and I have an agreement not to date anyone in front of our kids unless it’s serious.”

Gina stops me before I can go any further. “Whoa! You’re not asking this guy to play stepdad to your kids. Hell, you’re not even asking him tomeetyour kids. But maybe you can just have fun and let loose. You’re wound way too tight. Remember, even Rapunzel was a prude until some guy pulled her hair the right way.”

Nancy says, “Erin, you’re a mom. You’re not dead. When was the last time you had an orgasm that wasn’t by your own fingers?”

I go to open my mouth, but Gina adds, “Or your vibrator!”

I think back, trying to remember the last time I had sex—even though the last time Judd made me come was way before that.

When I run out of fingers to count on, Gina stops me. “My point exactly.”

Nancy says, “Look, all we are saying is have some fun. See what happens. If it’s a dud, who cares? Eventually you will have to put yourself back out there. What better way to dip your toes back in the water than with an extremely hot guy?”

“I’m just a little out of my element here.” I lean in to whisper, “He has a tongue ring.”

Gina grins. “Girrllll, that’s agoodthing. Have you ever been eaten out by a guy with a tongue ring?”

Rolling my eyes, I reply, “I think you already know the answer to that.”

“You need to,” Gina says while Nancy nods.

For a few more minutes, my friends tell me all the reasons why they think this is a good idea. And you know what? Maybe it’s the tequila, but they are actually making a lot of sense. As much as mom guilt is trying to hold me back, a little bit of fun may be exactly what I need.

I’m feeling the effects of the bad decision juice.

To keep it going, I chug down the rest of the margarita and tell my friends that I’m going for it. They both smile and wish me luck as I head over to the cluster of pool tables. They sit in one corner kind of away from everything else. You can still see the stage, but everything’s a bit more secluded.