Page 61 of Tanner's Forever

I quickly pad up the stairs and head into Chris and Alex’s room. Something catches my eye and makes me stop dead in my tracks.

”Son of a—“,” I mutter.

An empty snake cage.

As quickly as I can, I run downstairs. “Tanner!” I call and then find him in the kitchen.

“What’s wrong?” He asks when he sees the look on my face.

“Tater Tot has sort of… escaped.”

He looks confused until he puts two and two together and remembers who Tater Tot is. “Motherfucker!” He sits on the island counter and pulls his knees up to his chest. “You’re telling me there is a snake loose in this house?”

“Well, yes. But a very, very tiny snake.”

“Size doesn’t matter, Erin.”

I start laughing so hard I snort. “Oh, it most certainly does.”

“This is not the time for jokes,” he scolds. “There’s a blood-thirsty animal on the loose.”

“You’re being ridiculous. You know that? Joey even plays with the snake.”

“I would rather be ridiculous than dead.”

“Okay, well, I’m going to go upstairs and look for the little guy. Chances are, he’s still in the boys’ room.” I can tell that Tanner isn’t going to be able to relax until Tater Tot is safely back inside his tank.

“You’re going to leave me alone? What if I see him?”

“Do you want to come with me?”

“No. What if he’s up there?”

I roll my eyes. “Good grief. Just stay there. I’ll try to hurry up. If you want something to keep yourself amused, finish making our popcorn.”

I get all the way back upstairs before I hear a loud, high-pitched, “Erin!”

I run back to the kitchen and see Tanner, who is now standing on the counter, holding a frying pan like some sort of weapon.

“What’s wrong?”

He points to the cabinet where the popcorn is, and I see Tater Tot slithering between the boxes. “Looks like someone was sniffing for food,” I say as I grab the little guy.

He wraps himself around my hand for stability. “See?” I show Tanner. “He’s not so bad.”

“Tater Tot will haunt my nightmares.”

“Okay, I see the dramatic part of the evening is still going strong,” I say, walking out of the room to take the snake back upstairs. Once he’s safely contained, I make sure the lid is securely on the tank before going to find Tanner again.

He’s moved from the kitchen to the couch. His arms are crossed over his chest, and his knees bob up and down.

“Are you okay?” I ask him.

He nods. “Yeah. Sorry. Snakes just freak me the fuck out.”

“I can see that. Maybe I can help you calm down a little.”

I sink onto my knees in front of him, pushing his thighs open. He’s just wearing his boxers since we’ve spent most of the weekend in bed. I undo the little button and pull his dick out through the front opening.