Page 52 of Tanner's Forever

Chapter Eighteen


“Comeon,boys.Timeto haul ass. I want this job done tonight so that we can head home in the morning,” I tell my team.

Although we’ve been working hard to get this done, we ran into a few snafus along the way. Now, it’s time to kick it into high gear because I’m not getting home late. No way in hell am I missing any time with Erin.

“What’s your hurry?” Harry asks.

Of course, he would be the one to ask. Harry is in his forties and can’t stand his wife. I swear if he could stay traveling 365 days of the year so that he would never have to go home. Sometimes, he moves so slow it’s like he’s got concrete in his boots. I’d love to replace him with someone else, but that decision is up to someone with a bigger paycheck than me.

“Well, Harry, most of us have people at home that wewantto get home to,” I tell him.

He scoffs. “Oh, bullshit. You don’t have anyone.”

Oh, bud. If only you knew.

When I’m at work, I tend to keep my personal life private. I’m not one to kiss and tell or brag about my conquests. I’m certainly not about to brag about anything that Erin and I do. In fact, I haven’t talked about Erin at all. I’d love to brag about her all day long, but I think I’m too scared to jinx it.

“Even if I don’t, I’d rather be home than here with you crazy bastards. I’d like to sleep in my own bed tomorrow night if you don’t mind.”

Or in Erin’s.

Harry drags ass but still manages to get back to work. At this point, I don’t care if I have to finish this entire job by myself as long as it gets me home sooner.

Our evening chats have been cut a little short because her youngest son, Joey, has been having bad dreams and climbing into bed with her. Although we still talk a little and then text all day, it’s not enough. I need to see her. I need to have her in my arms.

The other night, I was floored when she sent me the sexy photo. And even more shocked when she touched herself over video chat. The woman has no idea how sexy she is, but I sure as shit do. I have not been able to stop thinking about it ever since. I was hoping for a replay, but her son in her bed doesn’t accommodate that.

It’s alright. I’ll just have to make up for lost time this weekend.

Lying on the bed in my hotel room, I flip through channels. We managed to finish everything up today. As tempted as I was to just go ahead and drive home, I didn’t think it was a good idea with how exhausted I am. I don’t need to be falling asleep at the wheel.

Plus, it’s not like I’m able to see Erin until tomorrow evening anyway. I figure when I get back to my place, I will try to get a few things done before I meet up with her. I want zero distractions during our time together.

My phone vibrates next to me. Looking at it, I mumble, “Speak of the devil.”

I answer with a, “Hey, babygirl. How are you doing?”

“Okay, I guess,” she says. “Tired. Joey in my bed every night isn’t making it easy to get much sleep. I never knew such a tiny human being could take up so much space. I swear all night, I had feet in my face.”

“Sounds rough.”

“I know they say that one day, I will miss these days. And I’m sure I will. But right now, I’d like to just get a little bit of sleep.” She laughs.

“You can get lots of sleep this weekend,” I tell her.

“Something tells me neither one of us will be getting much sleep this weekend.”

A smile tugs at my lips. “Oh yeah?”

“I think you and I have someveryfun activities that will keep us wide awake.”

Aaaaand my dick’s hard again.

As much as I’m looking forward to getting her naked and doing every dirty thing I can think of, I also don’t want her to think that stuff is all I care about. Because as wonderful as it is, I don’t want that to be the only thing our relationship is built on. I’ve played that game before, and I want what I have with Erin to be more than that.

“Hey,” I begin. “Let me take you out tomorrow night.”