Page 73 of Tanner's Forever

“Are you worried about it?”

She lets out a heavy sigh. “Tanner, I’m always worried about it. And I don’t mean that I'm just worried about him taking the kids. I mean that I’m worried about how he’s going to respond or react to things.”

“It just pisses me off that he calls you a slut. You’re anything but that. What was he going on about?”

After taking a long drink of water, she says, “Back in high school, before Judd and I got together, I was headed down a different path. I was partying a lot and fooling around with anyone who would have me. I wasn’t sleeping with them, but I was doing everything else. When I got with Judd, he made it very clear that my lifestyle was going to need to change. Whenever we would get into a really heated fight, he would bring up the idea that he ‘saved me’ or something. Like he did some huge favor by saving me from myself.”

What do you know? Another reason for me to hate this guy.

I pull her close to me again. “For what it’s worth, I don’t care what you’ve done in your past. And I promise to never talk to you like that.”

“I know.” She smiles.

“How about you and I go upstairs, and I try to help you forget about this night?”

I wonder if she will actually say yes because if I was her, I’m not sure I would be in the mood for sex right now.

But she surprises me once again by taking me by the hand and leading me up the stairs.

Time to get that asshole out of her mind.

The next morning, Erin and I lie in bed together. I think we are still reeling a bit from the night before, but neither one of us are bringing it up.

My phone rings on the table next to me, and I pick it up and see that it’s my mother and immediately reject the call.

“Everything okay?” Erin asks.

“Yeah, it’s just my mom.”

“You can talk to her if you want. I won’t get upset or anything.”

I kiss the top of her head. “I know. I’m a little pissed at her.”

“Oh? Why?”

I seriously consider whether or not I want to tell Erin the conversation that I had with my mother. I don’t want Erin to necessarily have a bad opinion of my momma to start with, but then again, my mother already seems to have a bad opinion of Erin. So, fuck it.

“I went over to see her one day, and she pretty much told me how I should rethink getting with a woman with three kids.”

Erin’s face falls. “Oh.”

“She thinks that I am just trying to jump to the end without going through the journey. She doesn’t want me to settle.”

“Do you think you’re settling?” She asks in a quiet voice.

“Hey, look at me. I don’t think that at all. I’m happy as fuck that I’m with you, and I’m not going anywhere.”

I look at her and see tears in her eyes. “Even after what happened with Judd?”

“That man can try his hardest to scare me off, but I’m in love with you, Erin. I’m not leaving. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

I mean everything that I’m saying. I’m crazy about this woman, and I have no intention of letting her go. But I figure it’s as good a time as any to ask a couple of questions.

“Erin, do you want to get married again?”

Her eyes go wide. “Is that some sort of proposal? Because if it is, you’re doing it wrong.”

I laugh. “No… not yet anyway. I just realize that we haven’t exactly talked about some of the big stuff.”