“Tanner,” I say again, this time taking a deep breath. “Would you like to come inside?”
“But your kids are home.”
“I know.” I try to pull out a smile, but I’m sure it probably looks ridiculous with how crappy I feel. “I’d like for you to meet my kids.”
The smile that he gives is far larger than mine.
Maybe this is a bad idea, but my brain fog is convincing me otherwise.
“Only if you’re sure,” he says.
“I am.”
He follows me inside the house, and all three boys turn to look at us.
“Boys, can you come here, please?”
They all do as I ask and come to stand in front of us.
“This is Tanner. He’s a friend of mine.” Pointing to each of them, I say, “This is Chris, Alex, and Joey.”
Alex asks, “Are you two dating?”
Joey asks, “What isdating?”
Chris chimes in with, “It means he’s sleeping with our mom.”
“Christopher!” I scold.
Joey looks confused. “He came here to sleep?”
Chris laughs. “I doubt much sleeping will go on.”
Alex’s face scrunches up. “Ew.”
Chris says, “No wonder she’s been in such a good mood lately.”
“That’s it,” I say. “I’m going to tell Tanner to take your pizza back because none of you deserve it.”
“Pizza?” They all ask in unison.
Tanner asks, “Pepperoni and cheese okay?”
Joey starts running around the living room and jumping off the couch like Spiderman. “Cheese is the best!”
Tanner notices how I look like I may upchuck again at any moment at all the talk of greasy pizza, so he says, “Come on guys, let’s take this to the kitchen and grab some.”
“Boys,” I tell them. “All of you better be on yourbestbehavior, or when I get feeling better, there will be hell to pay.”
They all nod and follow Tanner. I go to follow them, but instead, I find myself running toward the bathroom. I have no clue how I have anything left in my stomach to throw up, but apparently, there’s something.
As I’m hugging the porcelain throne, I feel two large hands on my shoulders before one of them pushes the stray hairs out of my face.
“You don’t need to see this,” I tell Tanner. “You won’t find me attractive anymore.”
“Babygirl, I would think you’re attractive no matter what. A little throw-up isn’t going to scare me off.”
“My kids might, though.” I chuckle before the next round of heaving starts.