Page 41 of Tanner's Forever

“You’re Erin’s friend, right?” I ask.

She nods. “Gina. Should I be worried that you’re here, and I haven’t heard from her?”

“I just left her house,” I tell her.

Her eyes narrow in on me. “That doesn’t answer my question.”

“She was good. We had a great weekend together, but she told me it couldn’t continue on.”

She fills up a pint glass with a draft beer and hands it to me. “On the house.”

I didn’t plan on having anything except water, but I’m not going to turn down a free beer.

Gina lets out a loud sigh. “I was hoping she’d be able to get over that stupid agreement she had with Judd. Heaven knows he’s probably not sticking to his end of the deal.”

“Have you told her that?” I ask.

“Not in so many words. Erin will take a lot of shit from a lot of people, but when it comes to anything having to do with her being a momma, she will cut your heart clean out of your chest. I support her however I can. Sometimes, that means keeping my mouth shut about the person she chose to father her children with.”

I take a sip of beer before saying, “I’m pretty crazy about her, but I’m with you on the not pushing her thing.”

She leans against the bar. “I really thought that having some fun would make her see that she can still have a life while being a mom.”

I really have no idea what to say, so I just nod.

Another customer gets her attention, but before Gina walks away, she said, “Maybe she will change her mind.”

Lord, I hope so.

Chapter Fifteen


“Momma,canIplayon your phone?” Joey asks me for the fifth time today.

Earlier, I had the energy to keep telling him no, but right now, I’d give anything for him to just sit still. So, I hand him my phone and tell him he has to sit on his butt, or the phone comes back to me. The past half an hour has been spent with him running up and down the bleachers, and me convinced that he’s going to break his neck.

Why can’t school sporting events ever start on time?

Chris sits a couple feet away from us, as though he’s far too cool to be seen with his mom and little brother.

The only thing I get from him is a loud sigh and him saying, “When is this stupid soccer game going to start? I’m bored.”

“Chris, we literally watch you play every sport under the sun. It won’t kill you to sit here a little bit longer,” I tell him.

Thankfully, he goes back to ignoring me and playing on his own phone, letting me get back to the fantasy playing out in my head. It’s been a few days since I told Tanner goodbye, but I still can’t seem to get him out of my head. I find myself wondering where he’s working or how he’s doing… but most of all, I remember all the dirty things he did to me.

All of the mundane things that I do on a day-to-day basis are now a bit more exciting when my daydreams take hold.

Folding laundry? Thinking about Tanner going down on me.

Cleaning the toilet? Picturing Tanner pounding me from behind.

Driving to sports practice? Playing out some of the scenes in my books with Tanner as the leading character.

I’ve never been so horny in all my life. I’ve always liked sex, but it’s always been something that I can take or leave. It wasn’t any type of highlight for me.

Now, that I’ve hadgoodsex, though, I realize exactly what I’ve been missing. And boy, oh boy, I sure am missing it.