Page 31 of Tanner's Forever

My shoulders shrug. “I liked the time I got to spend watching my kid grow and learn every day, but I’m also someone who enjoys getting out of the house. And I like having a job to go to where I make my own money. Kudos to those women who can do it, but I just don’t think I was cut out for it. Staying home was way harder than any job I ever had. Once Alex was born, we were having trouble making ends meet, so I had to go back to work.”

“Judd hated it. He believed that women belonged at home in the kitchen, not in the workforce. He watched all of his cop buddies come home to wives who were so perfect they put June Cleaver to shame while I would come home after work and whip together whatever was easiest. He would complain about the cooking constantly or that the house wasn’t clean enough. Then, after Joey was born, it was all about my weight. With the other two kids, I lost my baby pounds pretty quickly, but after Joey, it was way harder, and I was too exhausted to spend every waking moment at the gym. The little bit of free time that I did have was spent cooking or cleaning instead of spending time with the kids. Judd got to do all the fun stuff while I had to be Zombie Mom.”

Tanner interrupts. “That’s bullshit.”

“Which part?” I ask.

“I may not know much about marriage, but I know that it should be a partnership, not a constant weight on your shoulders while he gets to play good cop.”

“That’s what I was always taught, too,” I tell him. “But Judd was raised in a very conservative family. All of the women stayed home cooking and pushing out babies, all while looking like they just stepped out of a magazine. I was never going to be that girl, and it pissed him off that he saw all of his cop buddies living out his dream. Over the years, it seemed like I put in more and more effort, but he saw it as me just getting worse. He took pleasure in telling me how unhappy he was with every little thing. Heaven forbid I burn dinner or forget to roll the garbage can to the curb. I would be hearing about it for the next week. I stuck it out as long as I could. I came from divorced parents, and I didn’t want to do that to my own kids, but the situation eventually became so toxic that I filed for divorce.”

“I bet that went over like a lead balloon.”

“Oh yeah,” I laugh. “He was so mad, but I took the boys and moved in with my dad. The divorce hearings were short because I told him he could have everything except for the kids. He tried to fight it, but I think it was just to spite me. He doesn’t want three kids full time. That would take away his ability to be the fun dad. Even divorced, he still finds ways to make my life miserable. I think I’m doing just fine, and then, he makes some off-handed comment about the way that I look or how I take care of the house, and I’m right back in that place, listening to him complain and hoping that he will get over it soon.”

Switching to rub my other foot, Tanner says, “For what it’s worth, I think you’re doing a great job.”

There’s no way he can possibly actually know that, but it’s sweet of him to say nevertheless. “Thanks. It’s taken a while, but I have slowly been able to relax. I realize that I no longer have to try to clean my house until it’s spotless instead of spending time with my kids. And I no longer have to try to make myself look presentable for a man who thinks I’m hideous.”

Tanner shakes his head back and forth. “I’m sorry, but if a woman carried three of my babies in her body, I would treat her like she was the most beautiful woman in the world.”

“I guess stretchmarks and a big scar didn’t do it for Judd.”

Wiggling up and down his eyebrows, Tanner says, “Well, they sure as shit do it for me.”

I want to tell him that I think he’s full of crap and telling me what I want to hear, but I don’t. I just smile and say, “Why don’t you show me how much they do it for you?”

His tongue licks his bottom lip. “Gladly.”

Each of his hands grab the sides of my face and pull me in for a kiss. The way his tongue lightly flicks against mine sets me ablaze.

“Come here,” he commands, turning me so that my back is pressed against his chest. The moment I’m comfortable, his hands start to explore my body. Goosebumps erupt on my skin as he whispers in my ear. “Do you know how hard it is to sit across from you all naked and wet and keep my hands to myself?”

“Who says I want you to keep them to yourself?”

His fingers begin to toy with my nipples. As he teases them, my clit pulses, silently begging to be touched. How is it that this man knows just how to touch me to make me completely come unglued?

One of his hands move from my breast to between my legs. He slowly spreads my lower lips, giving the sensitive area time to get used to the hot water before starting to rub my clit. The moment his finger touches it, I let out a soft moan.

“Fuck, Erin,” he whispers. “I love playing with this pussy.”

“Yeah,” I say breathlessly. “I love it too.”

“Do you want me to make it come?” he asks.

I nod so hard I look like a dang bobblehead doll.

“Tell me what feels good, beautiful. I want to hear what you like. Every moan. Every whimper. Everything.”

He doesn’t have to tell me twice. I don’t think I could control the sounds I’m making right now even if I tried.

I can’t really see what he’s doing to me, but it feels like he’s holding my clit, lightly squeezing it between two fingers while rubbing the middle with his other one. I have no clue how he’s doing it, but I don’t care.

Keep doing your vagina sorcery, Mr. Samson.

I love it.

Suddenly, the water feels a lot hotter than it did just a few minutes ago.