Page 18 of Tanner's Forever

Tanner stops kissing and looks at me. “How about we spend some more time together, and I show you how sexy I think you are?”

I know I should probably cut this off now and ask him to leave, but there’s something keeping me from doing that.

“Okay,” I reply with a smile.

Immediately, his lips find mine, and we start to kiss. He scoots next to me, moving the sheets, so our bodies press against each other. It doesn’t take long for me to feel his Thunder Down Under pushing into my leg.

Just when we start to get hot and heavy, my phone chimes from the nightstand table.

“Hold that thought,” I whisper to Tanner. “That’s my doorbell camera.”

I open up the app and am shocked to see Judd standing there.

What the--?

The microphone is broken, so I will have to go downstairs to see what he wants.

“I’ll be back,” I say, flying out of bed.

I quickly grab a t-shirt and a pair of shorts out of my drawer and head out of the room.

I open the door to Judd immediately snapping. “What the hell took you so long? Were you still in bed?”

“No, I—" I stop myself, not wanting to get into a fight with a naked man in my bed. “What do you want?”

“Chris forgot his football cleats. He has practice.”

“Oh, one second.” I shut the door to keep him from coming inside and quickly dig through the pile of shoes in the bottom of the closet. I find the grass-covered cleats and head toward the door.

When I hand them to Judd, he takes them and turns to leave. Before he steps off the porch, he says, “Just for once, Erin, I wish you’d get your shit together as a mother, so I don’t have to come back here all the damn time.”

When I shut the door once again, I stand still for a moment, trying to collect myself. I hear movement upstairs, and I remember Tanner is waiting on me. Suddenly, the reality of this whole situation punches me straight in the gut.

I’m a mom. And here I am playing grab-ass with some sexy guy I met in a bar.

What the hell am I doing?

Judd showing up is an excellent reminder of why I don’t do things like this. It’s why I spend any free time I have home alone. As great as this little break from reality has been, it’s not my life.

I slowly make my way back upstairs, fully prepared to put an end to this whole thing.

When I walk inside, Tanner immediately notices that my demeanor has changed. “Hey, beautiful, you okay?”

“Yeah. Just a delivery,” I lie. “Look, maybe this whole thing isn’t a great idea?”

Confusion clouds his features. He stands up and walks over to me. “Hey, what happened? Five minutes ago, we were talking about spending more time together.”

“Okay, before this conversation goes any further, I’m going to need you to put on some underwear at least. I can’t have a serious conversation with your anaconda staring at me.”

He laughs but still grabs his boxers and slides them on. Even with the layer of cotton blocking my view, I know what’s underneath, and it’s still distracting.

“Alright,” he says. “Now, do you want to tell me what’s changed in the past few minutes?”

I let out an obnoxiously loud sigh. “Tanner, you don’t want to get involved with me. Heck, you don’t want anything to do with me at all. You should run for the hills right now.”

“Oh, yeah? Why’s that?”

Gathering all my courage, I decide to come clean. “Look, Tanner, I know this may come as a surprise to you, but… I’m a mom.”