Page 12 of Tanner's Forever

Oh well. I’ll give her hell for that later.

Right now, my attention is drawn to Tanner who is walking onto the stage. I’m surprised he didn’t have to wait for a while for his turn. That smile of his probably gained him a couple spots in line.

I start cracking up when the speakers start to blare Pour Some Sugar on Me.

And although Tanner can’t sing very well, he puts on a Grammy-worthy performance. A couple of cute, perky college co-eds sit at the table next to mine, and I can hear them talking about how hot Tanner is.

No shit, Sherlock.

Self-doubt washes over me. This gorgeous man is probably going to ditch me the second he sees these hotties bat their fake eyelashes at him.

But as Tanner belts out the lyrics, I notice something. No matter how much these girls try to get his attention, his eyes stay fixed on me the entire time. The look he gives me shows he’s still interested.

When the song comes to an end, he walks off the stage, and the two girls try to stop him. Immediately, their hands start running over his chest and shoulders. My stomach sinks as I wonder what they’re saying.

But it doesn’t matter.

Tanner grabs their hands and moves them off of him. He points to me before walking away. Both of them are quick to give me the dirtiest looks they can muster.

The petty side of me decides to give them something to really be mad about. I wrap my arms around Tanner’s neck. Leaning up as far as I can, I’m thankful he meets me halfway so I can press my lips to his.

Holy crap.

I haven’t kissed a guy besides Judd in close to fifteen years. And before that, it was just a couple of fellow highschoolers. I don’t remember either of them kissing anything like this. Tanner and I aren’t even using our tongues, and already, I’m itching for it to go further.

When I pull back, he smiles. “What was that for?”

“Figured I should at least kiss you before asking you if you want to go home with me.”

Surprise washes over his features. “You ready to get out of here?”

“Do you have a car here? I didn’t drive.”

“I have my motorcycle.”

Of course, you do.

I’m nervous he’s going to ask me to ride it with him, but he says, “But I’ve been drinking more than I feel comfortable driving after. There are usually a couple cabs outside on karaoke night.”

I let him lead the way out of the crowded bar into the Texas heat. Even when it’s dark, Texas is still an oversized oven most of the time.

Two minutes later, we are in the back of a cab, heading to my house. I guess we could have gone to Tanner’s place, but I’m already taking a chance by being alone with someone I barely know, so I’d rather be at my own house.

My fingers run and down his thigh, inching further toward his dick with each pass.

His lips brush against my ear as he whispers, “Do you really want to see who can tease who more?”

All I give in response is a squeeze to the base of his member through his pants. He lets out a deep breath and a barely audible groan.

The arm that’s around my shoulders moves down so that his fingers dip below the fabric of my low-cut shirt. His touch on my skin sends electricity shooting through me.

I find myself holding my breath as he finds my nipple. He rolls it between his thumb and finger, and I try to stifle my moan. My clit pulses as I ache for more.

For all of it.

I look up at him as my breathing quickens. He uses his other hand to grab my chin and angle me toward him for a kiss. It starts slow, but it doesn’t take long for my mouth to open for his tongue.

I turn my entire body toward him and grab his shirt, attempting to pull him closer to me. With me facing him, he uses both hands to palm my breasts through the thin material of my shirt.