I tried to look like the last thirty seconds hadn’t been a rush of passion and fear, all mixed together, and that the enemy—Is that even possible? Is Luke really the man who is after me?—wasn’t now walking toward me.
His eyes, the second they locked with mine, told me my position on the table and the robe I was wearing wasn’t how he’d expected to find me.
He wanted me lying down.
He wanted me naked.
He wanted me submissive.
He rolled up the sleeves of his white button-down as he came closer to the table. “Good evening, Pepper.”
“Hi,” I whispered.
I wanted to scream.
I wanted to run.
But I didn’t know if I’d make it out of this room alive if I did either.
His brows rose as he stared at me. “Have you chosen a safe word for tonight?”
I shook my head, not trusting my voice.
“Would you like me to pick one?”
He walked around the table, and once he was behind me, I closed my eyes, the fear, the anxiousness bolting through me, to the point where my throat was tightening.
I couldn’t breathe.
I couldn’t think.
“Please,” I replied.
How can I stop this?
What can I say?
My eyes opened as he came around to the front of me, eyeing me up and down. His hands went to my thighs, and I forced myself to hold in the gasp, swallowing the sound instead of letting it out.
“How about something fitting?” His gaze narrowed. “Something like …never.”
“Yes.” He smiled. “I’m never going to let you have an orgasm tonight.”
I’m never going to let you out of this room.
I nodded. “Okay. That works.”
“We’re going to start with something familiar.” He turned around and went over to the armoire, where he took out a long pink massager. “Maybe this will put a smile on your face. You look a little … uptight.”
I nodded again, harder than I needed to. “I’m sorry.” I swallowed, buying myself time, trying to think of something to say. “It’s just been a really long day of travel and …” An excuse suddenly came to me, and that was that I hadn’t grabbed a drink tonight. I was too afraid to catch even the slightest buzz, knowing I needed to be fully in control in case something happened. That was my reason to get out of here. “I think I need a drink before we continue. You can see”—I nodded toward the small table in the corner, where I normally set my empty glass—“I forgot to get one tonight.” I started to wiggle off the table.
But his hand went up to stop me. “I’ll get you one. You stay right here. Get comfortable. I want you naked and lying on your back when I return.” His head tilted to the side, giving me his profile when he added, “Understood?”