Looks like someone needs me …
No one else would have sent that message.
He was clearly still accessing my camera feed despite my data engineer doing everything he could to keep any hackers out.
I never stopped listening, Pepper. I heard you. Now, tell me how I can help.
They’re after me.
Didn’t I tell you that was going to happen?
What do I do? Is the security and encryption I’m adding enough?
Not even close.
What are you saying? That you’re the only one who can protect me?
You know the answer to that.
But you said you were never coming back. Once you walked through that door, you were done.
Is that what you want? For me to be done?
He was looking at me right now through the camera in this room, so I was careful with which reaction I allowed to cross my face.
I missed him. There was no question about that.
The time that had passed since he’d been gone was complete torture.
An endless movie reel played in my head of the moments we’d been together, the way he’d made me feel, the emotions that had built during those short periods of time.
Along with visions of his hands.
His mouth.
His love.