My entire body froze.
My throat tightened.
My hands shook, making the letters bounce around the paper as I read them.
Over and over.
Don’t look for me?
But … why?
Where the hell is he?
… you won’t find me.
But I’m in his house, and he just … left me here? And he isn’t going to come back?
And he didn’t think I’d stay here and wait for him?
Is this a joke? Is this his sense of humor?
I couldn’t make sense of it.
I certainly couldn’t understand it while I sat in this bed, no longer even close to cozy, so I tossed the blanket aside and went into his closet, grabbing the first shirt I came across. A button-down. I fastened the middle as I walked into his kitchen.
It was exactly how we’d left it last night.
At least the little bit I’d seen from the island.
It didn’t smell of coffee.
I didn’t see any dishes in the sink.
It was as though he’d left the bedroom this morning and disappeared from the house, clearly not making any food or even brewing a single cup of coffee.
But as I stood in the large space, taking in the counters and cabinets and decor, there was something I couldn’t fathom. Something I couldn’t wrap my head around.
I was in Bale’s house.
I could wait here for hours, days, weeks, if need be, until he returned.
Doesn’t he know that?
Don’t look for me … you won’t find me.
At some point, he would have to come back.
Wouldn’t he?
I turned in a circle, realizing this room, along with the living room, were the only two spots I had been in last night, and there was so much more house I hadn’t seen—or in this case, snooped around.
As I rushed toward the front of the home, my fingers skimmed the wall that Bale had held me against last night, the spot where his hand had gone through. A moment that had seemed amazing at the time. Passionate. Sexy. A hole that marked the intensity and power of his stroke.