I wanted her to remember this night for the rest of her life.
I wanted her to never forget me—if watching me walk away was the decision she decided to make.
As she rubbed her wrists where the rope had been, the marks deep and crimson, I was positive this evening had already made an imprint on her. Especially after what she murmured several minutes ago, seconds before I untied her.
Her words were like a fucking pick, hammering away the ice that covered my heart.
“I love you.”
Had my senses not been heightened from a three-hour-long hard-on, from watching her near that edge so many goddamn times, I wouldn’t have heard her.
But it had echoed through me.
And it still did.
I didn’t know if she remembered. I didn’t know if she’d admit to saying it. Hell, I didn’t think she had even been looking for a response. It was more like a breath that had needed to escape her body.
But it was out there.
And all I knew now was that she was ready for an orgasm.
It would take almost nothing to get her off at this point. Not when her body had been built up so many times and had been dangling for hours. But before we talked, before she was faced with a choice I planned to give her, this was what she needed.
I returned to the edge of the table, tracing her thigh, staring at her pussy. The redness was even brighter than it had been seconds ago. But it didn’t matter the color or that I’d been looking at it all night.
It was still so fucking beautiful.
The truth was, there was nothing else in this world that was as perfect as Pepper’s cunt.
The smell, the softness, the temperature, the tightness—I’d never smelled, felt, seen or tasted anything like it.
I knew I never would again.
Her eyes opened as I brushed my thumb over her clit, stroking her awake. A thick and heavy wetness coated me.
“Are you all right?”
She took a few moments before she answered, “Yes.”
She no longer had to obey. She could get up and move, do anything she wanted. But she stayed mostly in the same position on her back, her legs spread, her arms now at her sides.
“Do you want to come?”
Her eyes instantly pleaded with mine. “Yes,” she whimpered. “Please.”
God, I missed this fucking woman.
I rubbed her clit back and forth, giving her just enough pressure. “Come.”
Her eyes narrowed, hunger filling them.
“Now,” I growled.
Within a few flicks, she was quivering. Ripples of pleasure passed through her stomach, the loudest moans emptying from her mouth.