He cracked a grin. “Crying’s for wimps.”
“Trust me. One bite and all your troubles will melt away.” She brought the round tart to his mouth.
“See, that’s my point. I don’t have any troubles. I make sure of it.” But he caught her wrist and took a bite. His lips brushed her fingertips—all soft and warm. While he chewed, he looked right into her eyes, almost defiantly, like proving her food would have no impact on him.
But then, he made a dramatic show of buckling his knees and reaching for the counter. “Holy shit.”
“It’s good, right?”
“It’s unbelievable.” He gazed into her eyes so deeply, she almost heard,You’re unbelievable.
Dear God, she loved the way he looked at her with a message that told her she was a marvel.
“Rosie’s right,” he said. “You’re a sorcerer, and I’m leaving before you cast any more spells on me.” This time, he turned abruptly and walked away.
Watching him go hurt. Because he’d given her something she’d never had before. And now that she had it, she knew she could never go back to a relationship like she’d had with Ian.
They could be so good together. If only—
Oh, no, you don’t. You don’t fall for a man’s potential.
He thought he needed to suppress his passionate, balls-to-the-walls personality in order to be a good, responsible adult. But one day, a woman would come along he wanted so badly, he’d go all Hulk on the walls he’d built to protect himself.
He’d love her so wildly he wouldn’t have the strength to restrain himself.
That’ll be one lucky woman.
But it won’t be me.
“Carissa got these black boots,Daddy, and they’re so cool. You should see them. They’re shiny. I’m going to invite her over. Can we go swimming?”
Jaime loved his mornings with his little girl. While they ate breakfast, she’d talk his ear off. “You mean here or the lake?” Now, just finishing, he stood at the sink rinsing their plates.
“If we go to the lake, she won’t wear her boots, so I want her to come here and swim in the pool.”
“She’s welcome to come over, but why don’t you just ask if you can see her boots? Why are we inventing a fake occasion?”
“What’s a fake cajun?”
“Kinny. Do you want to go swimming or see her boots?” Like the idiot he was, he watched out the window, hoping for a glimpse of Grace. Why, he had no idea. She had one of the first cabins. She wouldn’t wander this far into the woods unless she was specifically looking for him.
Look for me, Grace.
He had the strangest sensation of being trapped—and he needed her to find him. To reach in and pull him out.Find me.
“I want to see her boots,” Kinny said.
“Is she going swimming in her boots?”
“Daddy.” With her milk mustache, his daughter cracked up. “You don’t swim in boots.”
“That’s my point. You’re making up a reason for her to come over instead of just saying, ‘Hey, Carissa, can I see your boots?’”
His phone vibrated, and he saw his GM’s name on the screen. He picked it up but only to shoot him a text.
Jaime: Getting Kinsley off to daycare. Call you in ten.