Page 147 of Real Regrets

One dark eyebrow rises, like a slash. “You thought I wouldn’t come?”

“I wasn’t sure.”

There’s a flash of emotion across his face, something that almost looks like sadness. It disappears too quickly for me to tell for sure.

“Nice church.”

Turns out, when it’s unrelated to golf or business or expensive alcohol, my father is terrible at small talk.

I clear my throat, finishing buttoning my shirt and straightening the collar. “It’s where Hannah’s parents got married.”

He nods. “Met them outside. Nice couple. Dean has done well for himself.”

“Yes. Thank God the woman I’m marrying isn’t penniless. Her father isn’t a billionaire, but she should inheritsomething.” Sarcasm drips from my voice.

My father clears his throat. “She seems like a nice girl, Oliver. I hope you’re happy together.”


“I know I’ve been a shitty father.” He drops the blunt declaration on me with no warning whatsoever.

I blink rapidly, trying to decide how to respond to the candor. “I’ve been a shitty son.” No matter what, Candace will always be a regret I can’t reverse.

“I only wanted the best for you boys. I was…proud. Of the men you were becoming. The legacy I was leaving. And then…it was hard to know when to stop pushing. I always wanted you to accomplish more.” He clears his throat, the closest to uncomfortable I’ve seen in a long time. Then holds out an envelope. “A wedding gift.”

I take the envelope from him and pull out the sheets of paper. It takes a minute, to digest the legalese. “You’re stepping downnext month?”

“You’ve earned it.” That’s all he says, before turning and leaving me reeling.

Typical of my father, to never linger. To hand me what matters most in the world to him like it’s a lukewarm cup of coffee and give me no chance to respond.

Eventually, I realize I’ve been standing here too long and need to finish getting ready. I’ve just finished the buttons on my shirt when there’s another knock on the door.


This time, it is Crew who walks in. His newborn son, Christopher, is strapped to his chest.


I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get choked up when I first heard his full name.

“You’re not ready?” he asks, looking at the hanging jacket I’ve yet to put on.

I hold the papers out to him. “Dad stopped by.”

Crew absorbs the contents faster than I did. He whistles, long and low. “Wow. Congratulations.”

“I wasn’t sure if he’d ever step down. Let alone in a few weeks. I’ve barely adjusted to you being gone. Now…it’s a lot.”

“Well, Dad never cared much for good timing. Business doesn’t wait, and all that.”

I nod, tucking the papers back into the envelope carefully. Now that the shock is wearing off, there are other emotions. Excitement. Anticipation.

Today, I’m gaining the two things I always thought would be discordant. I thought I’d have to choose between becoming CEO and marrying for love. Between success and happiness. Gaining both is unsettling in the best way.

Garrett and Asher walk in as I’m finishing getting ready.

“Reporting for baby duty,” Asher says, holding out his hands for Christopher.