Page 132 of Real Regrets

“He’s a grown man, Mom. What am I supposed to do?”

She shakes her head. “Notbe out here drinking and socializing. Go!”

Chase downs the glass of what I assumed was water but am now guessing is vodka, then holds it up in acheersmotion. “Good seeing you, Oliver. Lovely to meet you, Blondie.”

Garrett’s mother squeezes my arm, smiles at Hannah, and then follows her wayward son.

I glance to where Crew and Scarlett were standing before. They’re still in the same spot, talking intently. Arguing, knowing them.

In the crowded lobby they’re given a wide berth, everyone shooting them awed, surreptitious looks but not daring to approach the couple considered to be New York’s king and queen.

Crew looks up and meets my gaze, giving me a nod of acknowledgment before his eyes slide to the woman standing next to me. Scarlett follows his attention, and then we’re all staring at each other.

“We should say hi.”

“We should,” Hannah agrees.

My hand remains on Hannah’s lower back as we navigate our way through the crowd toward my brother and sister-in-law.

Crew is wearing a tuxedo, same as me. Scarlett is wearing a bold red dress that hugs her torso and then flares out dramatically at the waist.

I open my mouth. But unexpectedly, Scarlett is the one who speaks first, addressing me. “You clean up nicely, Oliver.”

“So do you.” I drop my hand from Hannah’s back so I can lean forward and kiss her cheek, then shake Crew’s hand.

“Nice to see you, Hannah,” he says, kissing her cheek the same way I greeted Scarlett.

There’s a swell of relief and affection, watching their interaction. I don’t know how I’d react if Crew had shown up to an event with a woman I had history with. It’s an uncomfortable situation for everyone, and I appreciate my brother acting like it’s not.

“Nice to see you too,” Hannah replies. I watch her take a deep breath, then look at Scarlett. “Hello, Scarlett.”

Scarlett inclines her head, her eyes flicking between Hannah and me like we’re a puzzle she’s trying to decode or a map she’s trying to follow. “Hello, Hannah.”

I rarely bring a date to events like this. Usually, I see them as a networking opportunity, which most women grow bored by or resentful of. So there’s a different dynamic tonight that has nothing to do with Hannah. Crew and Scarlett have never interacted with a woman I was dating.

The lobby is beginning to clear, other guests filtering past into the central room where the ceremony is set to take place.

I grab Hannah’s hand, squeezing it in a silent show of support. “We should go grab our seats. See you guys at the reception?”

I catch Crew’s nod before we turn away, following the flow of traffic into a round room that’s been decorated with hundreds of flowers. The altar is set up in the very center, with rows of seats surrounding it. It’s not nearly as extravagant as Crew and Scarlett’s wedding was. But their nuptials were intentionally planned out so they’d be impossible to top. No one does regency like royalty.

Lots of people greet me by name as we pass by, shooting Hannah curious looks. She’s poised as we walk down a middle row, chatting with Jennifer Robinson when she takes the seat on her other side.

I scan the program that was left on my seat. Since neither Sienna nor Garrett have bridal parties, it’s just a description of the ceremony. Short, since it’s a civil one.

All the surrounding chatter dies down when the familiar strains of Pachelbel’s Cannon fill the huge space. Garrett steps onto the altar, staring down the constructed aisle.

Almost everyone turns to watch Sienna walk toward him. But I focus on Garrett, a close friend who’s about to make a commitment that, technically, I’ve already made.

Whatever alcohol or drugs I consumed in Vegas wiped my memory of getting married completely clean. Or maybe I just don’twantto remember. Maybe it’s easier to pretend that someone else made that decision, totally separate from me.

But I glance at Hannah, and I can picture it perfectly. Can imagine her walking toward me wearing white, so clearly that I wonder if it’s memory or something less substantive. Some hazy, dreamy state.

Sienna is beaming when she reaches Garrett. I don’t register any details about her dress or veil, but I scrutinize her expression closely. Witness the happiness that appears genuine. Wonder what regrets she has. If she has any.

I have a long list, but Hannah isn’t on it. I can’t say I wouldn’t change anything. All the stress and uncertainty of the past few weeks since I woke up married to a stranger has been unwelcome. But they also landed me sitting here, which doesn’t feel like too high a price to pay.

Once the ceremony ends and the newlyweds have walked down the aisle together, everyone stands to head into the reception room. This space is long and rectangular, with multiple tables stretching from end to end, with a dance floor and stage set up in the very front.