Page 80 of Left Field Love

Whatever else he was going to say gets lost in the whispers as Caleb stands and walks toward me.

I took my time approaching Jake last night, mostly to give myself time to figure out what I was going to do. Caleb doesn’t hesitate. He’s directly in front of me in seconds, holding one hand out.

Blood rushes in my ears as I take it, realizing what’s about to happen. The hostility radiating off of Caleb has me bracing for a harsh yank, but his grip is gentle as he pulls me to my feet. He drops my hand once I’m standing, but it’s only to wrap his arm around my waist and pull me against his body.

I stumble on nothing but pine needles, unprepared for the close contact. I thought this would be a quick, impersonal peck, at most. The bare minimum. I’m shocked he’s doing this at all.

His fingers slide beneath the hem of the sweatshirt I’m wearing and ghost along my lower back. Sparks of heat shoot through me.

“You smell like tequila.”

“I’m trying new things,” I whisper back.

Caleb’s response is kissing me. And I rapidly lose all sense of where I am, of the few dozen people watching us, of all the reasons why kissing Caleb Winters is a bad idea.

It’s a slow simmer that builds to an inferno. This is probably the last time I’ll ever kiss Caleb, so I pour everything I have into it. I don’t know if he’s thinking the same thing, responding to my passion, or trying to get back at Ryan, but his lips are fierce as they move against mine.

His hands slide higher on my lower back, almost reaching the strap of my bra. I weave my fingers into his hair, tugging the strands lightly. Caleb groans, and it vibrates against my tongue.

Our motions are hasty, but they’re practiced. Synchronous, like a choreographed dance. It’s possibly obvious to everyone watching this is not the first time our tongues have tangoed.

Caleb pulls back slowly, the cool air chilling my skin once his hands drop. It all filters back: the people, the place, thegame.

“I didn’t think you’d do it,” I tell Caleb quietly.

“Yeah, me neither.” He turns and heads back toward his seat, past more than a few gaping mouths and Ryan’s sullen expression.

Caleb dares Luke to steal a pair of socks from Mr. Tanner’s cabin, and the game continues on from there.

After two more dares and a truth pass, I swing one leg over the wooden log so I can slide off the back. “I’m headed to bed,” I tell Will, who has stuck dutifully by my side. “Good night.”

“Night, Lennon,” he replies, smiling.

I return it, before I stand and head toward my assigned cabin. It’s empty when I enter it, which is a relief.

I’m guessing the girls I’m bunking with will probably have a lot of questions about Caleb’s dare. I only saw Shannon and Julie at the fire, but I’m far from naïve when it comes to the inner workings of Landry High’s gossip mill. There won’t be a senior on this trip who doesn’t hear some mention of it.

I take my time brushing my teeth and washing my face, before I change into pajamas and then snuggle into bed.

There was lots of grumbling about how early we’re leaving tomorrow, but I couldn’t be more thrilled. It’s later than I would otherwise get up, and I’m eager to leave the emotional turmoil of this weekend behind.

Caleb kissing me like that, in front of all his friends…

It doesn’t matter, I tell myself.

It doesn’t change anything.



Inever hated Caleb before, I realize.

There were times I couldn’t stand being around him, but it never felt likethis. And I don’t hate him now. It just hurts, both when he’s around…and when he’s not.

Exactly one week after he kissed me because of Ryan’s dare, he texts me.

Caleb:I’ll do the introduction and imagery.You can do the rest?