Page 26 of Left Field Love

Colt chuckles. “He’s pissed.”

Something twists in my stomach. Worse than the confusing state of things between me and Caleb is others noticing it. Whenever people talk about me, it’s always in a negative context. “No idea what you’re talking about, Colt.”

“How much do you want to bet he’s going to come over here? Twenty bucks?”

“I don’t have twenty bucks.”

My honest admission doesn’t have the effect I hoped for, because he keeps going. “Fine. If he doesn’t come over here, I’ll give you twenty bucks. If he does, I’ll have the satisfaction of knowing I was right.”

“Whatever.” I resume staring at the star-strewn sky.

“So…why did you come?”

I glance over at him. “You sound like Madison.”

“Probably because she’s worried about the same thing I am.”

“Once again, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“I know.” Colt sighs. “That’s the whole damn problem.” He shakes his head, then hops off the tailgate in one smooth motion.

“You’re leaving before our bet is resolved?”

He nods to the right. “Better luck next time.”

Colt pauses to say something to Caleb, then disappears into the clearing. Caleb continues toward me, taking the open spot next to me silently.

“You just lost me twenty bucks.”

Caleb is silent for a few minutes. “Why’d you come, Lennon?” He sounds frustrated. Angry, even.

“If you’re mad that I interrupted your makeout—”

He scoffs. “Has she always treated you like that?”

“Everyonehas always treated me like that, Caleb. Including you.”

That’s enough to turn Caleb’s attention from the stars to me. “Are you fucking kidding me, Lennon? I’ve never—”

This time, I interrupt him. “Never insulted my parents? Never called me a name? Which one qualifies you for sainthood?”

Caleb leans closer. Too close. I’m suddenly very aware we’re not at school. As stupid as it sounds, that’s where we always interact. There are schedules and witnesses andlight. Sitting here in the darkness feels different. “I think you like it.”


“I think you like it,” he repeats. “I think you like arguing with me, Lennon Matthews.”

“You’re wrong.”

“Am I? If I ignore you on Monday, you wouldn’t care?”

“I’d be thrilled. Best day of high school.” I’m saying the words. But I’m thinking,Would I?Because I’ve always taken Caleb’s presence—his attention—as a given. I’ve wished for its absence but never considered what the reality would feel like.

Caleb doesn’t say anything, and I make the mistake of looking over at him. Those piercing blue eyes aren’t looking at the party, or the sky. They’re looking at me. My clothes. My face. I don’t know how much he can see in the dim light, but something tells me Caleb has noticed the changes in my usual appearance. A warmth that has nothing to do with the borrowed wool I’m wearing works its way through my body. I lift my gaze back up to the stars, thoroughly unsettled.

“I didn’t know you’d be here. You never come to these things.”

“What difference does it make?”