Page 11 of Left Field Love

I’ve never seen Andrew look so enthused. He’s practically beaming as he delivers the news that makes every other member of the staff perk up as well.

“How thrilling,” I drone. “I’m not writing it, though.”

“You have to!” Andrew pushes his tortoiseshell-framed glasses back up the bridge of his nose. I recognize it as one of his nervous tells. The two of us have had several creative differences since both joining the school paper freshman year.

“No, I definitely donot,” I inform Andrew. “Me writing an article about Caleb Winters is a terrible idea. You know that we don’t get along. And I don’t know anything about baseball. Simon is the sportswriter!”

Simon startles when I say his name, looking nervous rather than eager.

Despite my personal misgivings, I know Andrew is right to be excited. An interview with Landry’s star pitcher will be huge for the paper.

But Simon still isn’t jumping in and offering to do the interview for me, which is strange. I’ve personally been subjected to hearing him drool over Caleb multiple times.

“Actually, you do,” Andrew states. “Caleb said he’d only do the article if you were the one who interviewed him.”

“He saidwhat?” I blink at Andrew, stunned. “I’m sure he only said that because he knows I won’t agree to it. Or he won’t show up. Or he’ll make up all his answers. This is his way of getting out of it. Using me.”

Andrew doesn’t disagree. “Not a chance we can take,” he replies, then shrugs. “Winters never talks to the press. No one knows where he wants to play next year. What he thinks about his final season. This is our chance to get a serious scoop. There’s not a single person in this town who wouldn’t read an interview with Caleb Winters.”

“I wouldn’t.” My voice is petulant.

“Not sure you’ll have much choice, considering you’ll be the one writing it.”

The school paper has always been a refuge for me. None of the other members of the staff are people I’d consider to be friends, but none of them have ever treated with me with any form of derision. I’ve carved out a grudging respect here. And writing for the town paper,theLandry Gazette, is my sole and best opportunity for employment following graduation.

Not only do I not want to quit the school paper, I can’t.

Despite the many hours we collectively pour into each issue, I’ve never even seen any of my classmates read the school paper. There’s no way I’ll be able to convince Andrew to do anything to endanger this story.

Which means I’ll have to take this up with the instigator of this infuriating predicament.

“Fine,” I state, slumping back in my chair. Andrew eyes me suspiciously, skeptical about my sudden lack of objection. “I’ll give him one chance. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“I can send you some questions to ask, Lennon.” Simon finally chimes into the conversation.

I sigh. “Thanks.”

Andrew shoots me another wary glance, but moves on. “Julie, you’ll be covering Mr. Barnett’s retirement. Steve, the plans for the new running track. Good work, everyone! Drafts for the new issue by the end of next week, please.”

The huddle in the middle of the room breaks apart, all of us heading back to our assigned desks.

“I guess the rumors are true,” Julie Larson muses as she takes a seat at her desk, which is adjacent to mine.

“What rumors?” I ask, shoving my notebook inside my backpack.

“That you hate Caleb Winters.”

“We hate each other,” I correct.

“Then why would he have you do his interview?”

“To torture me. He’s a jerk.” I zip my bag up, annoyance reigniting.

“I’ve never talked to him,” Julie states. I glance at her, surprised. That’s something I haven’t managed to do in a small school while actively attempting to avoid him. “But if he is a jerk, he’s a hot one.” Her tone has turned wistful. Admiring. And I can’t summon the amusement that used to appear when I saw girls fawn over him. Instead, I’m picturing blue eyes.

“The most dangerous kind,” I warn as I grab the last of my belongings and head toward the door. “See you tomorrow, Julie.”

“Bye, Lennon,” she calls after me. “When you do the interview, ask if he’s single!”