I don’t realize he has come until my heart rate settles some and he’s pulling out of me.

“Fuck,” he whispers.

I jerk at the brush of his finger up my slick thigh.

I moan when he dips his fingers back inside of me, my body extremely sensitive after coming so hard.

When he shifts, sitting back on his ass and lifting his hips to get his jeans back in place, I turn around to face him.

Once again he doesn’t look at me, but he also doesn’t argue when I lean over and press my cheek into his thigh.

His fingers are sweeping through my hair as he pulls back on to the road. All I hear is the wind whipping through the truck as I fall asleep.

Chapter 20


Alani hasn’t stirred in over an hour, and as much as I argued with myself over the fact that I’ve just let her keep her head in my lap while she sleeps, I haven’t moved her away either.

I should’ve taken her back to her dorm. As childish as she’s been acting, she was right. She’s an adult, and I have no right to try and control her behavior.

Yet, I’ve just pulled up outside Nash’s house, knowing her sister is living here with him now. This is where she spent her summer, but I only know that because of conversations around the office. I told myself I was checking in with Angel not checking up on my sister, but it made me realize I was lying to myself. I never made contact with Alani. When others discussed her being home for the summer and working at a local diner, I made a point to never drive down that road. I avoided her and somehow managed to keep busy with work instead of following her to and from her job.

I blame the blonde girl I was sent to save last week for forcing my hand. I didn’t make it in time, but for some reason, it was more than the disappointment of not getting paid that settled in my chest. She looked nothing like Alani, but four days dead in a random field has the power to make anyone look different than they did alive.

I knew who I was looking for, and I had it on very good authority that was who was in the field, but her blood-stained hair made my mind race back to Alani. I had to see her. It was the only thing that would calm that voice in my head telling me she was gone.

What I found, her spiraling at college, was probably worse. Seeing her pain, the blankness in her eyes, cut me more than any knife ever could.

I shove at her shoulder, the serenity I managed on the drive to her sister’s house escaping out of the open windows.

“What’s wrong?” she asks, her face lifting from my lap.

She looks at me rather than around. It’s clear she doesn’t care where she’s been brought.

“Get out of the fucking truck.”

She scrunches her nose like I just told her to walk through a pile of shit barefoot or something.

“My head hurts,” she complains.

“Coming down from X will do that,” I snap, opening the driver’s side door and climbing out.

I reach and pull her out too, waiting until she’s standing steady before letting her go. Unable to resist, my eyes drop to her thighs, the memory of how my cum dripped out of her last night threatening to make me hard, standing right here in the driveway.

I should probably hate myself for fucking her bare, but I just can’t muster the disdain for that or for the bruises on her neck. I fucked her hard, and she came even harder.

What pisses me off is the simple fact that she affects me at all. I sneer at her before turning around and walking toward the front door.

With the level of security Nash has on this place, I’m surprised he isn’t at the front door with a shotgun pointed at my head.

“Are you fucking serious, bringing me here?” she snaps as I walk up the front porch steps.

I bang on the door, unsurprised the man doesn’t have a doorbell. It would be too inviting. If this man is anything like me, he expects privacy.

It takes longer than I thought it would for someone to answer the door, but Nash doesn’t speak when he sees me. If anything, he looks terrified. Is he in some kind of trouble? Does he have a price on his head and he thinks I’m here to collect?

I open my mouth, but no words come out.

“Donavan,” he snaps, and it sounds like a warning.

I lock eyes with him, keeping them on his face even when Ayla steps out from behind him.

I step to the side, feeling Alani at my back, and I point at her. “She’s your goddamned problem.”