“Siblings are important. I have a lot of them.” She brushed her fingers over his chest and he struggled not to moan at how nice that simple touch felt. “Grew up in foster homes until I landed in the right one. Now, I have lots of siblings.”

“Only two brothers for me.”

“There are seven of us in all. I’m the oldest of the girls. What about you?”

Holy hell, it was hard for him to think as her fingers trailed lower and lower toward his groin. Obviously his time outside hadn’t affected at least one part of his body. She didn’t even mention his growing erection as she tended to him.

“Middle,” he rasped before clearing his throat and trying again. “I’m the middle brother.”

“I’m Iris by the way,” she said as she moved the blanket to the side, exposing his leg, and that was the moment he realized he was completely naked.

“I’m naked.”

Her laugh moved over him and damn it, he liked the sound of that too. It wasn’t helping his swollen cock issue.

“You are. Is that what you want me to call you? Naked? Or do you perhaps have another name?”

Holy fuck, his dick was nearly nestled in her breasts. “Bradford.” He took a long breath, taking in her incredible scent.

“Nice to meet you, Bradford. The answer to your question as to why you’re naked is because you were freezing, and I had to get you dry. Not sure how much you remember, but you were soaking wet, and it’s not exactly warm out there.”

She covered up that exposed side and moved the blanket back on the leg closest to her, all without looking at his face. She focused on her tending.

“Are you saying you lay with me?”

Iris froze and lifted her head. Dark eyes sparked fire in the light. “Are you having an issue with me keeping you alive because of the color of my skin?”

He furrowed his brow. Why the fuck would she think that?

Especially when his erection was nearly poking her damn eyes out. “What? No! Don’t be foolish.”

“Because,” she continued like he’d not even refuted her statement, “if you do, you can dress in your partially dry clothing and get the fuck off my property.” A haughty sniff. “I don’t give a damn what time of the night it is. Or how shitty the weather is out there. Good luck to you, nearest town is like forty minutes away and that’s on a good driving day when there aren’t feet of snow covering the road and whiteout conditions.”

Wincing in pain, he sat up, the blanket piling at his waist, still not doing a good job of hiding his erection. He had flirted with some of the wealthiest women in the world but this one took all sense away from him.

“Iris.” He cupped her cheek, reveling in the softness beneath his palm. “I have zero problem with your skin color. I was wondering because I’m fucking embarrassed by the fact my dick was shoved in your face.”

She didn’t soften as he watched her. Iris blinked once and gently moved his hand from her face. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone that you had an erection for a plus-sized woman. Secret is safe with me.” Outside would have been the tropics compared to the ice in her tone.

Her words banged around in his brain but he couldn’t make sense of them. Not until she stepped away and walked back to a pile of bags by the wall.

“Hate to break it to you though, we are having to share the bed. This is the only room in the house that doesn’t have a broken window or roof section. And right now you’re on my only bed, so, get over yourself. Even if you do look a bit like the actor who played Arrow from the television show, I’m not so hard up that I would jump on or try to force my intentions on a man so obviously ashamed by a woman who isn’t size zero.”

Seconds later men’s clothing smacked him in the chest and she left the room, her dog at her heels.

“I’m a fucking moron.”

Bradford tugged on the Henley, added the zippered hoodie and, with a bit of whimpering from his body’s protestations, yanked on some wool socks. He snorted in only partially amused laughter.

Falling back on what now registered as thick sleeping bags, he rubbed his shoulder. The shit hurt. He hurt. And while he knew he was the only survivor from the plane crash, he didn’t even know where in the hell he was.

“And so I’m lying here in a shirt, sweatshirt and wool socks with a fucking woody because there’s a sexy as fuck woman attending me, but she thinks I’m embarrassed by my dick being rock hard since she’s not a zero. She has no idea. And I need to get into some damn pants.”