“Gods, I love how big they are! And such juicy nipples—a male could spend all night sucking them.”

His long fingers pinched my tight peaks, making me moan. No one had ever touched me this way before! And of course, it was forbidden to touch myself.

“Oh!” I gasped as he tugged my tender points, sending sparks of pleasure through my whole body.

“Love how they fill my hands,” the voice growled. “And they’re so sensitive, aren’t they, little bird? I bet you feel it all the way down in your pussy when I do this…”

I shivered with the unfamiliar sensations of desire and pleasure as I watched in the mirror while Liath teased and tugged my nipples. All my life I’d been told my breasts were too big—too crude. That only the tiny, barely there bumps of the other Fae maidens were desirable. I had never dreamed that a male might like how big and sensitive my breasts were.

“I like everything about you,” the voice assured me and I wondered if he was somehow reading my mind. Then his big hands left my breasts and slid down my sides, framing my broad hips.

I had always hated the fact that I had such wide hips and thick thighs—they were the very opposite of the Fae standard of beauty which dictated that only straight, boyish hips and long, slender legs were attractive. But now I began to see myself as Liath saw me.

“Love how ripe you are everywhere, little bird,” his voice murmured. “A male needs something to hold onto when he’s loving his female.” His hands caressed the wide curves of my hips and then slid around to cup my bottom.

I gasped as he grasped both cheeks and squeezed, a low growl of approval rising in his throat.

“I want these gorgeous thick thighs wrapped around my waist…around my head,” he added, his big hands running down over my thighs. “Want to feel you squeezing me and moaning my name!”

I was panting by now—my bare breasts heaving as I tried to catch my breath. No one had ever spoken to me this way before or touched me or told me I was beautiful…desirable. I felt hot and flushed all over—as though my entire body was blushing and yet I didn’t want him to stop.

“You look like a fucking goddess,” Liath murmured—speaking aloud this time. “And I haven’t even talked about this yet…”

His large right hand came back around and slid between my legs to cup my sex. He didn’t try to penetrate me, but I could feel his long middle finger pressing against my slit—pressing against the little pleasure button there that I had known all my life to be my most forbidden spot.

“Look at this sweet little pussy,” he growled softly in my ear. “Gods, how I’d love to taste it!”

“Wh-what?” I met his eyes in the mirror uncertainly. This was something new—something I had never heard before. Was he serious? He wanted to taste me there?

“You really are innocent, aren’t you little bird?” Liath murmured. “You’ve never had a male’s hands on you, have you? Or his mouth between your legs.”

“N-never!” I stammered.

“Well then, perhaps this is enough for now.”

Reluctantly, I thought, he withdrew his hands, placing them back on my shoulders.

“Look at yourself again,” he commanded.

I looked…and saw a full-figured, curvy goddess. She had long, silky hair, big gray eyes that shone like stars, and sweet, kissable lips. Her full breasts were tipped with ripe nipples just begging to be sucked and her wide hips and thick thighs made her look both gorgeous and fertile. The tiny patch of dark blue curls between her thighs was the gateway to paradise for the lucky male who was privileged to be invited in.

“Tell me,” Liath murmured in my ear. “What do you see?”

“Oh,” I whispered with wonder and delight. “I…I’m beautiful.”

“Yes, you fucking are,” he growled. “And don’t forget it—if you do, I’ll show you again.” He turned me to face him, cupping my face in his big hands. “I’m going to kiss you now—since we didn’t get to kiss at our Joining ceremony,” he told me. “But not here…”

He led me up the steps of the dais to the bed again and sat on the edge of it, which put us more or less on the same level.

“Now, come here,” he growled and pulled me to stand between his thighs.

I gasped as my bare breasts pressed against his hard chest and my nipples tingled at the contact. Liath pulled me even closer—his bronze eyes were burning with desire. Then I closed my own eyes as he bent towards me.

His lips met mine and I gave a soft moan. This was my first kiss—a kiss I had never expected to get. Calista had always told me I was too ugly for anyone to want to kiss me and somehow I had believed her. Now I knew she had been lying—she and Asfaloth both.