Well, Stableforth had said there might be delayed effects when we made it, I remembered.

“Er, Liath?” I said, raising my eyebrows at him and shifted on the throne. I wanted my husband badly but I wasn’t going to be as crass as my cousins and commit sexual acts in a sacred place.

Thankfully, Liath picked up my thoughts—and my needs.

“Well, little bird,” he rumbled. “Now that we’re King and Queen of the Realm, what do you say we go see if our Royal bedchamber has changed at all?”

“Oh, do you think we should?” I asked, rather breathlessly.

A lazy smile creased his sensual mouth.

“I would say so. I bet no matter what it looks like, it can always use a few more plants. Maybe some climbing roses might be nice.”

I could feel myself blushing but I returned his knowing smile with one of my own. Together, we rose from the Shining-Shadow throne and strolled down the steps of the dais in a leisurely fashion.

“Stableforth, keep an eye on things,” Liath threw over his shoulder. “The Queen and I might be gone for a little while.”

The centaur bowed low and stamped his hoof.

“You honor me, your Majesty.”

I waved at Tansy and she bowed and shot me a secret smile which I returned—she knew I was happy with my husband and I could tell she was pleased for me.

As we left the Throne Room, I saw both Seelie and Unseelie Court members in the halls. They were talking to each other—hesitantly, but talking nonetheless. And when we passed by the open door of the courtyard I looked out and saw something I had never seen before.

“Oh, Liath!” I said, tugging on his hand. “Look—the snow is all melted and little green buds and shoots are coming out everywhere.” I pointed at the courtyard. “What do they call that?”

He smiled and put an arm around me.

“I believe, little bird, that is called ‘Spring,’” he rumbled. “I think we’ll be seeing it regularly from now on. Autumn too.”

I realized what he meant—now that the Realms were one, time and the seasons could flow once more. There was no more Summer Court or Winter Court, for we were all one big Court and Realm now and Liath and I were tasked with leading it.

I felt my heart overflow at the thought and I hoped that I was up to the challenge.

I was sure that other problems would arise in the future. After all, Calista and Asfaloth weren’t dead—they were still out there in the Mortal Realm and no doubt they still had murder in their dark hearts. Also Lily, the human girl who had seemed so special, was there as well. I wondered if I would ever see her again. Was she really a Changeling with fairy blood flowing in her veins?

But then Liath pulled me into our bedchamber and my worries for the future faded in the urgency of the present. We had some redecorating to do, as my husband had pointed out.

I planned to add some roses to our room before the night was through.

The End?


This might be a stand alone novel or it might be the start of a new series. I think that Alira and Liath’s story is pretty neatly wrapped up, but there might be more to tell. I’m kind of fascinated with Asfaloth and Calista—they’re so awful, I think they’d make good villains for another story. And what about Lily? I have a sneaking suspicion she might be a Changeling, left by the fairies, and I’m sure she has no idea that she has magic in her blood. So who knows what might happen?

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If you want to contact me, you can find me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter. (Though honestly, I don’t tweet a lot, so FB is probably your best bet.) I love to hear from readers, so if you have any further fantasy ideas you’d like to see written, drop me a line and feed my muse. You never can tell what might come of it!

Hugs and Happy Reading


Sneak Peek at Claimed


Brides of the Kindred—

A race of Genetic Traders from beyond the stars.

Three very different types of Alpha males all focused on one thing…claiming their brides

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