At last I felt the broad head of his shaft pressing hard against the mouth of my womb and knew he could go no further. He was all the way in me now and I had never felt so full.

“Do you feel that, little bird?” Liath rumbled. “Feel me filling your soft little cunt with my cock? Gods, you’re so tight and wet around me!”

“It feels good,” I moaned. “Really good. And I feel so full—you’re really big.”

He rumbled laughter.

“I’m on the large side but you’ll get used to me. Are you ready for me to move yet? Ready to let me fuck you and fill you, little bird?”

I lifted an eyebrow at him.

“I thought I was the one taking you.”

Liath nodded.

“You have a point. All right—you do the taking. Move yourself up and down so my shaft slides in and out of you.”

I braced myself on his hard abs and began to do exactly that. With a little gasp, I slid up until only the broad crown was still lodged inside me. Then I came down so that his thickness stretched my inner walls again and the head of his cock gave the mouth of my womb a rough kiss.

An involuntary moan was drawn from my lips. Oh, that felt good! I lifted myself and lowered myself again—then again and again, faster and faster.

“That’s right, little bird.” Liath’s bronze eyes were burning with lust as he held me loosely by the hips. “That’s right—fuck yourself on me. Be my good girl and fuck that soft little pussy on my hard cock!”

I moaned again, loving the way his hot talk made me feel inside. It was almost as arousing as feeling him pierce me.

“Liath, this feels…feels so good!” I told him, panting as I spoke. “But it would feel even better if…if you thrust up into me!”

“Ah—so now you want me to do the taking,” he growled, his eyes flashing. “Hang on, little bird—I’m more than willing.”

His grip on my hips tightened and he pulled me down hard onto him, making me gasp with pleasure.

“Oh, Liath!” I moaned. “Oh, it feels so good.”

“Don’t forget to rub your little button,” he growled. “I want to feel you coming all over my shaft, little bird. Want to feel your tight little pussy squeezing me until I shoot my cream deep inside you.”

I did as he told me, keeping up the outer stimulation while Liath managed the inner with his deep, delicious thrusts inside me. He gripped my hips with his big hands and my breasts bounced every time he entered me.

My whole body felt as though it was made of sparks by now. I could feel my peak getting closer and closer and I wanted to give myself completely as I came for him. But at the same time, I didn’t want to lose track of the plans I had for my magic.

I had three things I needed to do with the immense power I was building. First, I wanted to free Liath from the iron that was imprisoning him. Second, I wanted to heal him completely and utterly of the ravages of the deadly metal he had been surrounded by so long. And third, I needed to rip a hole in the Great Divide to make a portal back to the Winter Court. My hands were busy so I couldn’t use my knife this time. I would have to use my mind—which I was confident I could do. With this much power, I felt I could do anything.

Of course, this was all a lot to concentrate on while I was simultaneously being driven wild with pleasure as I rode my husband for the very first time. But I set my intentions firmly—told my magic, “This is what you have to do”—and then allowed the pleasure to take me.

“That’s right, little bird,” Liath was growling as he pounded up into me. “Take it nice and deep. Take my cock deep in your soft little pussy and come for me!”

“Oh…oh, Liath!” I moaned, and suddenly I felt the pleasure peaking inside me. It rushed out of me in a cloud of sparks more numerous than the stars in the sky. My inner walls were quaking, trembling and squeezing Liath’s shaft, which seemed to be too much for him.

“Gods, baby—can’t hold back,” he groaned. “Need to fill you with my cum!”

I felt a hot, wet spurt deep in my pussy, bathing the mouth of my womb and then showers of pleasure sparks were shooting out of Liath too—with every spurt inside me there were more and more of them.

I gathered them all—the pleasure, the pain, and the blood sparks—(there were more pleasure than anything else)—and I threw them outwards. I sent them into the iron all around us and I sent them into Liath himself.