Taking a deep breath, I reached into yet another hidden pocket. I pulled out a tiny, stoppered flask, no bigger than my pinky. It was full of a special potion I’d had Stableforth help me to concoct before I left.

I looked at the bright red potion which seemed to glow in the dim cell. It was a lust potion—considerably weaker than the poisonous one Great Aunt Acosta had tricked me into drinking—but potent nonetheless. It also contained some of the fertility herbs that her potion had used. I was hoping it would help me now. My magic was based in pleasure and sex—I knew that for certain. I just had to use the knowledge to my advantage.

Pulling out the cork, I downed the bright red stuff in a single gulp. I could feel it working on me at once. My nipples were suddenly tight and sensitive and my breasts became even fuller as they began to make nectar—a side effect of the fertility herbs. My pussy tingled with need and began to get wet.

I could see the sparks of my own lust coming from my body. I gathered them and pushed them at Liath, creating a bubble of protection around him. As it settled in place, he lifted his head and his bronze eyes—which had been so dull a moment ago—began to glow.

“Alira?” he muttered hoarsely. “What…why did you come here?”

“I’m here to take you home,” I told him again. “No, don’t talk about the iron—we’re going to find a way around it,” I added, when he opened his mouth. “But first, we’ve got to get you healthy.”

“Don’t see how you’re going to manage that, little bird,” he rumbled weakly. “I’ve been fucking surrounded by iron for over a week—don’t even know why I’m not dead yet.”

“You’re not going to die,” I told him. “I’m going to heal you.”

But how?

As I contemplated this, I felt a tightness in my chest. I frowned. Possibly Stableforth and I had overdone it with the fertility herbs. My breasts were so filled with nectar that they felt tight and achy.

Thinking of that made me remember how Liath had helped me get over the effects of Great Aunt Acosta’s lust potion. He had told me that the nectar my breasts were making was good for healing and nourishment before he sucked it out of me.

Healing and nourishment—exactly what he needs, whispered a little voice in my head.


“So you’re going to heal me, little bird?” Liath asked, interrupting my thoughts. “How are you going to do that?”

“Like this,” I told him. Straddling his lap, I pulled at the red silk gown, lowering it to bare my breasts for him. I had asked Shellya to make the fabric stretchy, and now I was glad I had.

Despite his desperate situation, Liath’s bronze eyes still blazed when he saw me half naked.

“Mmm, little bird—love your beautiful big breasts,” he murmured.

“Good, because you’re going to suck them,” I told him. “I’m going to give you my nectar and heal you.”

His eyes grew wide but before he could say anything, I was pressing one tight, aching nipple to his lips. Liath opened his mouth automatically and sucked my peak in deep. He took a mouthful of nectar and swallowed and I saw his eyes go half-lidded. Then he sucked even harder, taking more.

I moaned softly as he suckled me, emptying my breasts of their healing nectar. I could feel the strength pouring into him with each swallow he took and I stroked his hair and horns, urging him to take more—to take as much as he needed.

At the same time, my body couldn’t help reacting to the hot suction of his mouth on my tender tips. Each time he drew on my breast, I felt an answering jolt of pleasure which seemed to travel directly to my aching pussy, where I was getting wetter and wetter.

The sparks of pleasure—both his and mine—were beginning to build up in the air around us. But I knew we needed more—much more—if we were going to circumvent the iron that bound and surrounded him.

“I think that’s all, little bird,” he murmured at last, after letting my nipple slip from his lips. “Gods, I love to suck your tits. But surely you didn’t come just to feed me your nectar.”

“No, I didn’t,” I told him firmly—if a little breathlessly. “I still intend to take you home, but we have to overcome the iron—have to find a way to break the chain that binds you.” I nodded at the iron chain and manacle.

Liath’s face was grave.

“I don’t think that can be done.”

“Yes, it can,” I insisted. “With enough power—I can see the sparks flying all around us—we just need more of them.”

His bronze eyes went half-lidded.

“I think I know what to do—remember how we raised enough power for you to turn our bedchamber into a jungle?”