A hate for the both of them so great that it almost choked me rose in my throat, but I swallowed it down with some difficulty. This was, after all, no more than I had expected.

It was time to beg.

“Please…” I let the tears come into my eyes. “I apologize for what Liath did on our Joining day,” I told Asfaloth. “But if you won’t let him go, will you at least let me see him? He has become…very dear to me in the short time we have been married.”

Calista gave an ugly laugh.

“What? Have you actually fallen in love with that big brute?”

“He’s probably railing her every night,” Asfaloth speculated, sneering at me. “Is he a good fuck, Cousin?” he asked. “Is that it? You just can’t get enough of that half-breed Unseelie cock?”

“He is my husband.” I gave a little sob. “I just want to see him—please!”

“Fine.” Asfaloth tucked his shaft back into his breeches and leered at me. “But you have to beg us—get on your knees!”

I did as he asked, kneeling on the white marble floor, which was cold and hard under my knees.

“Please,” I said beseechingly, though the words nearly choked me. “Let me go see my husband!”

“First say that you love to suck his Unseelie cock!” Calista demanded.

“I…I love to suck his Unseelie cock,” I repeated—which was actually the truth.

“And say that you love to swallow his beastly cum,” Asfaloth added.

“I love to swallow my husband’s beastly cum,” I repeated—another truth, though I doubted these two knew it. I gave a little sob and let the tears run down my cheeks. “Please—now will you let me see him?”

“She’s always such a little bawl-baby,” Calista said disdainfully. “You might as well let her visit him—it’s not like she can do anything. She has no magic and he’s in one of the iron cages.”

“I suppose you’re right. Guard!” Asfaloth called.

The guard who had escorted me into the Throne Room stepped forward. His cheeks and ears were still burning—probably from what we had seen Asfaloth and Calista doing together earlier.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” he said, bowing respectfully to Asfaloth.

“Take this sad little bitch down to the dungeons and let her visit with her husband,” Asfaloth told him. “Now, get her out of my sight,” he added, unfastening his breeches again. “And don’t bring anyone else in here—my sister and I are busy.”

“Indeed we are,” Calista purred. Bending down, she took his cock in her mouth once more and began sucking vigorously.

Neither of them paid any more attention to me, which was just how I liked it. Wordlessly, the blushing guard nodded at me to precede him and we left the Throne Room.

My plan was going well—exactly as I had hoped.


But once we reached the dungeons below the Summer Palace, I found my plan had hit a snag.

I didn’t know it at once, of course. At first, things seemed to be going well. The guard led me deeper and deeper into the dank recesses of the lower Palace. There were no other prisoners that I could see, but most of the cells had wooden doors with only thin slits at waist level, for shoving in a tray at meal times. So I had no way of knowing if they were occupied or not.

Once we got to the back of the dungeon, my guard began to be uneasy.

“Please, Princess—are you certain you wish to go further?” he asked. “The prisoner you wish to see is being kept in an iron cell. The touch of it could mean sickness or death for one as delicate as you.”

Little did he know that the iron didn’t bother me. I could feel it getting closer—it felt like a heavy weight in the air. All Fae hate and fear iron but, just like that night I had spent with Liath in the Mortal Realm, I found that the presence of the deadly metal didn’t affect me.

Still, it wouldn’t do to let the guard know that.

“I wish to see my husband—no matter what the risk or danger,” I said firmly. “Please be so kind as to take me to him.”

“Very well…” The guard stopped at the end of the row of wooden doors set into the stone wall. This door had no slit in it at all which worried me—had they even been feeding Liath or giving him anything to drink?

The guard took out a key ring and unlocked the door. He pulled it open and winced back, like a man wincing from the heat of an immense furnace. I tried to look weak and worried but my whole attention was on my husband.

Inside the cell was another cell—a three-sided one made of iron bars. I wondered who had been gotten to do the work—it must have been mortals since Fae cannot touch the stuff—or stand to be around it for very long. The bars must have been made long ago, for they were rusty and flaking.