“Feels fucking amazing,” he growled. “Do it some more.”

“Keep sucking me then,” I murmured, rubbing my nipple against his lips again. “That breast is still too full.”

“As you wish, little bird,” he growled softly and began sucking again.

I moaned softly and continued stroking him…and teasing him with my sparks. By the Shining Throne, I had never imagined how good it could feel to be married to the right male! I was so glad that Liath had asked for my hand—and I was glad I could be there for him, during this difficult time as well.

I was thinking I might be able to finish Liath off by the time he emptied my breasts of the nectar, but it was not to be. He was still hard and a long way from shooting his cream by the time the nectar finally ran dry. He lifted his face from my breast and gave me a half-lidded look.

“Mmm, little bird—that was delicious. But now that your nectar is gone, I want to taste something else.”

“What?” I asked, rather breathlessly. I was still running my hand over his shaft and he was thrusting slowly into my loosely cupped fingers.

“You know what else.” He reached up and pushed the bottom of my gown up, exposing my pussy. “Hmm…I see you didn’t wear your panties tonight.”

I bit my lip.

“I…forgot them.”

“Good. Come here.” Liath put his head between my thighs and suddenly I felt his hot, wet tongue parting my outer pussy lips.

“Oh!” I gasped, jerking my hips. “Oh, Liath—you don’t have to do that! I’m the one who’s supposed to be comforting you and you’re making it awfully hard for me to reach you.” I nodded at the way my arm was stretched out to the limit, trying to keep stroking him as he licked me.

“Don’t touch me with your hand then—only use your magic,” Liath challenged me. “And I’ll only use my tongue—we’ll see which of us can bring the other off first.”

“Liath! Are you sure?” I asked uncertainly. “You really want to…to lick me again after all the time you spent doing it last night?”

His bronze eyes went lazy with lust.

“Sweetheart, I always want to lick you—always want to taste your sweet honey. Let me lap your soft little pussy—I’m sure I would find that extremely comforting,” he added.

I felt myself melting under his gaze. My nipples were still tight from all his sucking and my pussy was throbbing with need and the remains of the lust potion.

“Well…all right,” I whispered at last. Scooting down a bit, I spread my thighs wider for him and lifted my gown completely. “Come on, then,” I told him, tugging on one of his horns. “Come lick me and taste my honey—tell me if it’s as sweet as the nectar.”

He made hungry growling sound in his throat.

“I can already tell you it’s ten times sweeter. Gods, little bird—love to taste you.”

And then he buried his face between my thighs and began lapping in earnest.

I moaned and bucked my hips up to meet his tongue and all the while, I kept using my magic sparks to stroke and tickle him. I imagined them as a hand much larger than mine—one big enough to easily encircle his thick cock. Liath groaned and bucked his hips as well…and so our contest was on.

I’m sorry to say, I can’t remember who won. The feeling of his warm, wet tongue sliding over my throbbing clit made it very hard to think—and hard to concentrate on doing magic too. But every time I started to fail, Liath would look up at me for a moment and encourage me to go on.

“Come on, little bird,” he would growl softly, his mouth shiny with my juices. “Come on—you have to learn to do magic when you’re distracted, too. Be a good girl and stroke me with your sparks—make me shoot my cream.”

I loved it when he talked to me like that—dirty talk, he called it—and I moaned softly and renewed my efforts.

So though I’m not sure exactly who won our little contest, I do know that we both came often and hard as we comforted each other all night long.


If you think my life at the Unseelie Court sounds more or less idyllic—well, except for Great Aunt Acosta trying to kill me and then subsequently bringing about her own death by attempting to sit the Shadow Throne—you would be right. It was idyllic—I had a husband who treated me like his most precious treasure, a life where no one teased or tormented me, and magic for the first time in my life.

I was perfectly happy and I would have gone on being perfectly happy if I hadn’t had the idea to go and visit the Pool of Seeing on my own one day.

This was an idea that I had been mulling over in my head for quite some time. Liath had often warned me not to leave the Winter Palace grounds by myself, but the trip to the Pool of Seeing wasn’t far, I reasoned to myself. In fact, it couldn’t even be said to be outside the Palace grounds, since it was in the woods immediately around the Palace. Besides, I had my own magic now and I was perfectly capable of defending myself.