When I finally lifted my head, Liath looked up at me and I saw that his bronze eyes were suspiciously bright.

There is a myth, you know, about how males ought to always be strong and brave and never shed a tear, no matter how badly they might be wounded within. I don’t believe in that. When we are wounded, we should seek solace—for not all wounds are external and even the biggest and bravest of us can be cut to the quick.

“Little bird…” Liath’s voice was thick with emotion as he turned his head and nuzzled against my breasts, which were loose under my gown.

I caught my breath—the lust potion was still in my system, at least in part—but I tried not to show it.

My husband seemed to know anyway.

“Let me suck your breasts,” he murmured, nuzzling me again. “Give me your sweet, ripe nipples to suck.”

Looking down at the tent rising in his loose black sleep trousers, I saw that he was no longer soft—quite the opposite, in fact.

I was more than willing to do as he asked. Loosening the string at the top of my gown, I let it fall open to reveal my breasts—the nipples still darker than was normal for me. Then I noticed something strange.

“Wait…what is this?” I frowned down as I examined my right nipple. Perched on its tip was a bead of amber liquid. Also, did my breasts seem fuller than usual?

“What is it?” Liath put out his tongue and tasted the droplet, though I hadn’t asked him to. He frowned and licked his lips. “I think it’s nectar—the lust potion must have had some kind of fertility components in it.”

“Nectar?” I looked down at my breasts and saw that the other nipple had a bead of the same amber liquid. “By the Shining Throne—what is nectar?”

“It’s something a female Fae’s breasts can produce instead of milk if need be,” Liath explained. “The fertility herbs that bring it on are often given to a female whose milk has dried up. Supposed to be full of life force and vitality—it’s healing and nourishing for the babe.”

“But…I don’t have any babe to feed!” I protested. “And my breasts are full of this stuff! Just look!” I nodded down at myself. For whatever reason now that my breasts had decided to make the nectar, they had apparently decided to make a lot of it. The amber liquid was beading on my nipples and then running down the bottom curves of my breasts, making a sticky mess.

“You have me,” Liath pointed out. His bronze eyes grew heavy. “Let me suckle you, Alira. “Let me empty your breasts—you must be aching with how full they are.”

I bit my lip.

“You really want to? It doesn’t seem…disgusting to you?”

“How could it? Your breasts are beautiful. And the nectar is sweet. Let me suckle you,” he murmured again. “Give me your breast—comfort me that way.”

I felt my heart begin to beat faster for some reason. His head was still lying in my lap and I leaned over him, offering my right breast again.

“If you think it will help you feel better, my love,” I murmured, stroking his rough cheek as I fed my tight peak into his mouth. “Then suckle me—drink my nectar and be comforted.”

Liath’s answer was a low growl of pure lust as he took my nipple deep into his hot mouth and began to suck and swallow, suck and swallow, over and over again.

I moaned in pleasure and relief—my breast really had been extremely full—and carded my fingers through his hair. I had never dreamed of comforting my husband this way, but I found that I liked it—and wanted to give him more of myself in any way I could.

Soon Liath had emptied my right breast and so I gave him the left. At the same time, I reached down to pet the hard ridge of his shaft, which was still extremely prominent under the thin black silk of his sleep trousers.

He groaned around my nipple and arched up into my hand, as though asking for more.

“Do you like that, my love?” I murmured as he continued to suck my breast. “Does it feel good when I comfort you like this?”

Liath groaned wordlessly and thrust into my hand again. I rubbed the soft silk against his shaft, sliding my hand up and down, giving him as much pleasure as I could.

At the same time, I tried something new—I gathered the sparks of pleasure that both of us were generating and sent them down lower, to caress his heavy balls.

Liath’s eyes went wide for a moment and he glanced down at my hand before releasing my nipple for a moment.

“Alira, are you—”

“Using magic to tease your balls?” I arched an eyebrow at him. “Yes, actually—I am. Do you like it?”