“I have no problem giving you that promise,” I said, tilting my head up to look at him. “I have absolutely no wish at all to wield the power the Shadow Throne commands.”

“Good.” Liath nodded. He gave me another kiss—this one on my forehead—and pulled me to his side. “Come—the attendants can’t deal with her until we leave.” He sighed. “Do you want any more supper?”

I shook my head.

“Somehow I’ve lost my appetite,” I said dryly. “Why don’t we go back to our bedchamber and cuddle?”

“You want to cuddle, hmm?” A smile touched the corner of his mouth, though his bronze eyes were still sad.

“I want to cuddle you,” I said, to clarify.

His smile widened just a bit.

“But you’re so small, little bird—how will you manage it?”

“You’ll see,” I told him. “Come on—back to the bedchamber.”

We climbed the steps leaving the crypt and Great Aunt Acosta’s body, already cooling on the slab where Liath had left her. But I couldn’t forget the horrible way she had died…and couldn’t help thinking of the day when I myself must try for a seat upon the Shadow Throne.

Would it accept me…or reject and kill me? I was glad I had years and years before I had to find out.

Or so I thought…


I had a feeling that my big, brave Unseelie warrior husband needed comforting—though of course he would never ask for such a thing. As mad as Great Aunt Acosta had been, he had loved her and she had been part of his childhood and his life. He had no one left now of his immediate family—no one but me.

So the moment we got back to our bedchamber, I suggested a bath.

“You want to take a bath together?” He raised an eyebrow at me. “That sounds nice.”

“No, I want to bathe you,” I said, a bit bossily. “The way you take care of me sometimes.”

He rumbled laughter, but I thought it didn’t reach his eyes.

“But it’s easy enough for me to bathe and care for you—you’re so small, little bird. How are you going to manage a big brute like me?”

“You’ll see,” I told him. “Now get undressed while I run the bath.”

Liath did as I said and soon he was nude—and mouthwatering to look at. His broad muscular chest led down to narrow hips and long, muscular legs. But I couldn’t help noticing that his shaft was undeniably soft. He was still thinking of what had happened in the Throne Room, no doubt.

I had him get into the steaming water and started with his long, moonlight colored hair. I washed it using his favorite shampoo and put in a moisture cream to make it sleek and manageable. I massaged his broad shoulders, working the knots of tensions loose until he groaned softly and relaxed under my hands—I even polished his horns with the special stone and gloss he kept for the purpose.

Liath had done this several times for me since our Joining—taking over my nighttime routine completely to wash my hair and body, scrubbing and massaging with his big hands until I went limp with pleasure. Now I did my best to return the favor and found that I liked it—liked it a lot.

I reached into the tub to scrub him with the extra-large sponge, paying special attention to his broad back, which made him groan appreciatively again. However, I didn’t do anything overtly sexual. Now wasn’t the time, I told myself. The time might come later on tonight, but it wasn’t here yet.

At last I determined that he was finished. I had him climb out of the tub—I obviously couldn’t lift him out, as he often lifted me—and then I worked a drying spell that acted like a kind of warm, miniature wind twister. It circled around and around him, howling softly to itself until he was completely dry upon which it promptly dissipated, leaving my husband standing huge and naked in the middle of the bathing chamber.

“Well?” He raised his eyebrows. “What now, little bird? Should I get dressed for bed?”

“If you like,” I said lightly. “I suppose I should as well.”

So we changed into our night clothes but I made sure to wear a dress with a loose top—I had a feeling I might need it.

I climbed up on the bed—positioning myself in the center, leaning against the headboard which was Liath’s usual position. Then I patted my legs.

“Come here—lay your head down in my lap,” I ordered.

He gave me an amused look but did as I said. Lying on his back, he settled his head in my lap.

“And now?” he asked, looking up at me.

“Now, I want to comfort you…and cuddle you.”

I put my arms around him and leaned down to place some gentle kisses—first on his forehead, then one on each eyelid, which he closed obligingly for me, then the tip of his nose and finally, on his mouth. I stroked his hair, which lay like a moonlit waterfall over my lap and kissed him again.