Leaning down, he nuzzled me gently, rubbing his rough cheek against my mound of curls again. I took his invitation and reached down to grip his horns. The way they curved, it almost seemed as though they were meant for my hands and I could feel their rough ridges against my palms.

Liath was kissing me again, but this time he was kissing my inner thigh. His hot, wet mouth felt delicious against my flesh, but I knew where it would feel better. Experimentally, I tugged at the horns, bringing his mouth where I needed it most—to my pussy.

He looked up, his bronze eyes burning with heat and desire.

“That’s right, little bird—put me where you need me. You’re in control now.”

“I…I am?” I liked this idea—it made my heart pound to consider the idea of taking control and guiding my huge Unseelie warrior husband to exactly where I wanted and needed him.

Liath must have caught my thought because he gave me a lazy grin.

“That’s right—sometimes it’s fun to be the one in charge, isn’t it, little bird? Give it a try, why don’t you?”

Then he bent his head again, as though waiting for me to take control.

I did so, tugging on his curling horns as I guided him once more to my open pussy.

“There!” I gasped as he began to lap me, dragging his hot tongue over my inner folds. “Right there, Liath! By the Shining Throne—don’t stop!”

It was clear he had no intention of stopping. He slid his big hands under my ass and scooped me up, lifting me to him as though he was a man dying of thirst and my pelvis was bowl of cool water. And then…he devoured me.

I gasped and moaned as his tongue lashed my sensitive clit, teasing and whip quick. Then, the next moment he was slipping his tongue inside me to lap up my honey and then back to my clit, which he sucked into his mouth and circled with just the tip of his tongue.

“Oh…oh, Liath!” I moaned his name like a prayer and both our clouds of sparks rose higher and higher. They were filling the room now—filling the bedchamber all around us. I had time to think that it was too bad we hadn’t had time to set up a bunch of the dried roses that Liath kept for me to practice on. I bet I could have revived a whole bouquet with the pleasure he was giving me!

And then Liath’s hands moved, though he kept his mouth on my pussy. They slid up to cup and knead my breasts. My pleasure rose even higher and I felt my release coming—rushing towards me like a rising tide. In a moment it would sweep over me and drown me…or else raise me to the highest peak imaginable.

For all the other releases I’d had—either by Liath’s hand or my own—were nothing compared to the feeling of his hot, wet tongue exploring me. It felt so good, so right! I squeezed his horns and tugged hard, bucking my hips up to meet him. Close I was getting so close!

“Liath!” I panted. “Oh Gods, yes…yes!”

And then suddenly, I was there—I saw my pleasure sparks explode outward as my body reached the peak. I gripped Liath’s horns so hard I was certain I would have ridges on my palms and fingers when this was over, but I didn’t care. I was coming…coming harder than I ever had before…

And just at that moment, his fingers found my sensitive nipples and squeezed.

Just as he had told me, the little bit of pain increased my pleasure—brought spice to the sweet encounter. I felt my body jump another level and the sparks exploded outward again, filling the whole bedchamber like a symphony of stars.

“Oh…Oh!” I gasped, my back arching helplessly as my toes curled. “LIATH!”

I think I must have lost consciousness then—all I could see were stars—stars everywhere and my heart was pounding so hard it felt like it might explode. I heard Liath calling my name and then he joined me on the bed and gathered me into his arms.

“Little bird? Alira?” he rumbled and I thought he sounded worried. “Come back to me, sweetheart,” I heard him saying as he patted my cheek gently. “Please—come back!”

At last the field of stars faded and I was looking up into the worried face of my husband.

“Liath?” I mumbled, feeling disorientated and slightly dizzy. “What…how?”

“You came, little bird—came harder than I’ve ever seen anyone fucking come,” he rumbled. “And you nearly passed out in the process.”

“You were right,” I whispered. “Just a little bit of pain—the way you squeezed my nipples just as my pleasure was peaking…” I shivered, remembering the intense sensations. My whole body still throbbed from the aftermath of my release.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it—though you scared the fucking hell out of me, collapsing like you did afterwards,” he growled.