I tried not to think of how nice it had been splashing playfully in the tub with him, laughing and tickling each other. And then later when he had washed me everywhere, his big hands, soapy with bubbles, cupping my breasts and rolling my nipples to make me moan and writhe against him.

He had held me against him with my back to his front so that I could feel his long, hard shaft pressing against my bottom while he washed me. And then he had growled in my ear,

“Are you ready for me to wash you lower, little bird?”

I had moaned and writhed in his arms, loving the feeling of his big, hard, naked body against my own.

“Yes, I…I think I am,” I had whispered.

And then Liath had reached between my legs…

I came back to myself, realizing that I had been just standing there, remembering how good it felt to have my husband touch me. In fact, I could almost feel his big, warm hands on me, rubbing everywhere…teasing my most sensitive areas.

“Stop it!” I muttered to myself. “You’re being ridiculous. Just forget the past and draw yourself a bath!”

I followed my own orders, going to get the water running in the tub. There was some magical means of controlling the temperature and I made sure that the water rushing from the golden faucet was good and hot.

I went to my side of the closet and took off my gown. But as I was sliding it over my head, I couldn’t help remembering how Liath had helped me take off my gown the night before. He had slipped it over my head but my arms had still been caught in the long sleeves. Liath had pulled them gently but firmly behind my back and then started talking in his deep, growling voice, right in my ear.

“Well, little bird, it looks like you’re trapped,” he had murmured. “What are you going to do to get free?”

“What…what would you have me do?” I had whispered breathlessly, my heart pounding.

“You’re going to be my good girl and suck my cock,” he’d informed me.

“What? Right here?” I had exclaimed breathlessly.

“Yes, right here, little bird. Now on your knees and take me nice and slow and as deep as you can.”

I had sunk to my knees before him, eager to be his “good girl.” I just couldn’t get enough of his praise—I loved it when he stroked my hair with his big, warm hands and rumbled about how good and perfect and sweet and beautiful I was as I took his cock deep in my mouth and swallowed his cream…

“You’re doing it again,” I muttered to myself. “Stop it, Alira! What is wrong with you?”

I tried to push Liath out of my mind as I pinned up my hair and went back to the tub, which was almost full of steaming water. I sprinkled a generous helping of the glittering pink bath salts into the tub, swirled them around twice to melt them, and then climbed in myself.

My teeth caught in a hiss as I lowered myself into the deep water which was almost hotter than I liked. Perhaps I had overfilled the tub? I was up to my neck in steaming, scented water and feeling rather overheated already.

But I told myself I was fine. I stretched out, allowing myself to float so that my large breasts bobbed at the surface. Everything was all right, I told myself. Everything would be—

Something in my line of vision caught my attention and cut off my positive affirmation. My large nipples were in plain sight since my breasts were floating but they were no longer pink—instead, they had turned a deep maroon color which was most disturbing.

I reached out to touch one experimentally and winced.

“Ow!” I exclaimed involuntarily as I yanked my hand away. My nipple was incredibly sensitive—to the point of pain. In fact, now that I thought of it, even the warm water lapping against my tight peaks felt like too much. What was going on with me?

As I realized this, I opened my legs to try and sit up from my floating position. This allowed a quantity of heated water to rush into my inner pussy, making me give a muted yelp. Ouch—that hurt! I couldn’t remember when my clit had ever been so sensitive, but I clapped my legs closed, not wanting any more water to get inside. What was wrong with me?

It was at that moment, that I started noticing that my breathing was coming too fast and shallow. My heart was pounding and my throat seemed to be closing up.

Oh no! I clutched at my throat, gasping for breath, the air whistling thinly in the pinhole my airway had become. Why couldn’t I breathe?

I tried to get up—to get out of the overfull tub—but I slipped and fell back with a splash that sent water over the side and all over the floor. There were huge black flowers blooming in my field of vision now—dimly I realized I was passing out.